Photo of men standing by cellar holes.

Vol. 2 / No. 1

By: James B. Pritchard

The Wine Industry at Gibeon: 1959 Discoveries

In a Near Eastern country such as Jordan an archaeologist learns quickly that it is usually best to discount, if […]

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image of handle

Vol. 3 / No. 4

By: James B. Pritchard

The Bible Reports on Gibeon

A new dimension was added to the archaeological remains at el-Jib by the discovery in 1956 of a handle from […]

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photo of etching into wall

Vol. 5 / No. 1

By: James B. Pritchard

Civil Defense at Gibeon: "Gibeon was a great city...and all its men were mighty" - Joshua 10:2

Defense was the most important single consideration in the planning and building of a city in Biblical Palestine, a land […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 2

By: James B. Pritchard

Reconnaissance in Jordan

“How do you go about finding a site for excavation?” is a question frequently put to an archaeologist. With the […]

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Vol. 6 / No. 4

By: James B. Pritchard

Two Tombs and a Tunnel in the Jordan Valley: Discoveries at the Biblical Zarethan

The cutting of the first trench into any large antiquity site is bound to be significant, especially if the mound […]

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Photo of people over skeleton

Vol. 7 / No. 4

By: James B. Pritchard

A Cosmopolitan Culture of the Late Bronze Age

Surely them ost surprising and possibly the most significant result achieved from two seasons of digging at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh was […]

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Vol. 10 / No. 2

By: James B. Pritchard

An Eighth Century Traveller

One of the most intriguing artifacts discovered in four seasons of excavation at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh in Jordan is the small […]

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Vol. 11 / No. 1

By: James B. Pritchard

The Palace of Tell es-Sa’idiyeh

Since we began to excavate at Tell es-Sa’idiyeh in 1964 not a season has gone by without our gaining some […]

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Vol. 14 / No. 1

By: James B. Pritchard

The Phoenicians in Their Homeland

The Phoenician expansion westward for three thousand miles across the Mediterranean and beyond to the shores of the Atlantic was […]

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