
Vol. 58 / No. 2

By: Paul Mitchell

Tangled Afterlives: How an Egyptian Papyrus Became the Mormon Book of Abraham

After 2,000 years of repose, 11 mummified human corpses and a few scrolls of papyrus entombed at Thebes became entangled […]

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Photograph of Doug Polumbaum and Risa Korris

Vol. 58 / No. 1

By: Kristen Pearson

Sowing the Seeds of Competitive Play: The Enduring Legacy of Mancala

Mancala has been popular in the United States since a commercialized version was intro- duced in the 1940s under the […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 3

Museum News – Winter 2015

Museum Objects Travel the World The Penn Museum has an active loans program, sending objects from the collection to museums […]

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Vol. 57 / No. 1

By: Dwaune Latimer

The People & Products of Colonization: Africa at the Chicago and Paris Expositions

Arican exhibits at world’s fairs— including both native peoples and the objects of their daily life— provided American and European […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 3

Around the World

The Penn Museum’s curators, staff, and consulting scholars conduct research around the world. Read on for a small sampling of […]

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Vol. 56 / No. 2

By: Jennifer Chiappardi

The Children of Maasailand: A Photographer’s Perspective

On a recent trip to Kenya, Dr. Kathleen Ryan of the Penn Museum, along with Paul Mitchell, Louise Hansen, and […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

In the Galleries – Black Bodies in Propaganda: The Art of the War Poster

Propaganda has long been used to mobilize people in times of war. Black Bodies in Propaganda: The Art of the […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

Around the World

Around the World Every year, the Penn Museum’s curators and staff conduct research around the world. Read on for a […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Tukufu Zuberi

Art During Wartime: Recruitment of Black Soldiers from the U.S. Civil War through African Independence Movements

Military posters are designed to be highly visible in public spaces. They become iconic images for those who remember wars […]

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Vol. 54 / No. 3

By: Alessandro Pezzati

Big Game at the Museum

Natural history specimens collected by Arthur Donaldson Smith were on display in 1898 in the University Library, now the Fine […]

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