
Vol. 54 / No. 3

By: Alessandro Pezzati

Moroccan Pottery in the African Collection

Talcott Williams, one of the early officers of the Museum, was an editor of the Philadelphia Press for 30 years. […]

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Vol. 53 / No. 3

By: Richard Hodges

Imagine Africa with the Penn Museum: From the Director

Penn museum has been changing, gallery by gallery. The old Museum presented glorious objects in an often dry and uninspiring […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Teresa P. Raczek and Namita S. Sugandhi

In the Heart of the Village: Exploring Archaeological Remains in Chatrikhera Village, Rajasthan, India

It was a sweltering day in June of 2009. We were walking in the sun, striving to finish our survey […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 3

By: Kathleen Ryan, Williams Fitts, Mulu Muia, Nina Johnson and Hannah Lau

Tracking East African Cattle Herders from Prehistory to the Present

The herding of domesticated animals permits food production to be extended into many areas of the world too arid for […]

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Vol. 50 / No. 2

By: Niklas Hultin

A Morality Tale: Children and the Social Processes of Human Rights in the Gambia

My friend Ibrahima and I are visiting a school for the visually impaired just outside Banjul, the capital of the […]

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Vol. 47 / No. 3

By: Kathleen Ryan and Karega-Münene

The Origins of Pastoralism in Eastern Africa: Archaeological Exploration on the Laikpia: Research Notes

How do cattle herders such as the pastoral Maasai of East Africa, manage to survive and often prosper in harsh […]

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Vol. 47 / No. 2

By: Alex Pezzati

The Scholar and the Impostor: From the Archives

“Real South African at U. of P. Museum” Thus was a new “exhibit” at the Museum announced on January 28, […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Alma Gottlieb

Babies as Ancestors, Babies as Spirits: The Culture of Infancy in West Africa

Old Souls One Day I was sitting in the shaded compound of a Beng village in the West African rain […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 2

By: Nicholas David

Watch or Water Towers?: Stone-built Sites in Northern Cameroon's Mandara Mountains and Their Functions

In 2001-2002, the Mandara Archaeological Project’s survey in the Mandara mountains established the presence of fifteen ruins, known as Diy-Gi’d-Biy, […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 1

By: Deborah Kapchan

Moroccan Gnawa and Transglobal Trance: The Medium is the Music

The Gnawa Originally from Sub-Saharan Africa, the Gnawa are ritual musicians who were brought to Morocco mostly as slaves in […]

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