Gift of Samuel W. Fernberger, 1953
Accession Lot
- Object[104]
- bag[1]
- bowl[1]
- box[2]
- box lid[2]
- brooch[1]
- ceremonial shield[1]
- container[2]
- container lid[2]
- copy[46]
- counter[46]
- die[11]
- figurine[2]
- figurine head[3]
- game board[1]
- game pieces[1]
- gaming stick[19]
- halibut hook[2]
- lacrosse bat[1]
- lacrosse stick[2]
- mancala board[1]
- mancala playing piece[1]
- mask[2]
- maskette[1]
- vase[1]
- alaska[2]
- allegheny reservation[1]
- canada[8]
- coast of labrador[1]
- connecticut[1]
- grand river[1]
- grand river reservation[3]
- liberia[3]
- lower cayuga long house[1]
- maine[84]
- maniwaki[2]
- mexico (central america)[6]
- mitla[3]
- new york[2]
- oaxaca (mexican state)[3]
- ontario[4]
- pleasant point reservation[4]
- quebec[2]
- sitka[2]
- six nations reservation[4]
- south dakota[1]
- teotihuacan (mexico)[3]
- united states of america[88]
- washington county (maine)[4]
- 19th century[1]
- algonkin[2]
- cayuga[4]
- eskimo[1]
- iroquois[3]
- passamaquoddy[4]
- penobscot[80]
- river desert band[2]
- seneca[1]
- sioux[1]
- tlingit[2]
- aluminum[1]
- birch bark[2]
- birchbark[6]
- brass[1]
- burl[1]
- ceramic[6]
- cord[2]
- cork[2]
- corn husk[1]
- deer bone[6]
- deer hide[1]
- dog hair[1]
- dog skin[1]
- feather[1]
- fiber[1]
- fur[2]
- grass[1]
- hemlock[1]
- hide[3]
- iron[1]
- metal[2]
- moose bone[5]
- paper[1]
- pigment[8]
- sealskin[1]
- seeds[1]
- shells[1]
- silver[1]
- stone[1]
- straw[1]
- sweetgrass[4]
- wood[77]
- jerry aaron[1]
1 - 30 of 104 Records

1 - 30 of 104 Records