Gift of Richard E. Norton, 1929
Accession Lot
- Object[79]
- no[79]
- luzon[3]
- north america[4]
- northern luzon[5]
- philippine islands[75]
- southern luzon[57]
- tyabas[1]
- bamboo[9]
- beads[3]
- calico[1]
- cotton[10]
- cotton cord[7]
- cotton fiber[1]
- gourd[4]
- hair[1]
- hide[1]
- leather[16]
- metal[22]
- muslin[3]
- palm leaf[8]
- peel[31]
- pigment[5]
- plant fiber[28]
- rawhide[1]
- reed (plant)[1]
- reeds[1]
- rubber[1]
- skin[1]
- vegetable fiber[1]
- wood[27]
- basketry[5]
1 - 30 of 79 Records

1 - 30 of 79 Records