Purchased from Frederick Johnson (#1-93) / Gift of Frank Speck (#94-99), 1929
Accession Lot
- Object[145]
- no[145]
- american[145]
- arrow[4]
- arrow butt[4]
- awl[1]
- babiche[1]
- baby carrier[1]
- bag[3]
- basket[11]
- basket lid[1]
- beaver net[1]
- bow[4]
- box[13]
- box lid[5]
- broom[2]
- bucket[1]
- canoe paddle[1]
- charm[4]
- comb cleaner[1]
- container[1]
- cradle board[2]
- dies[1]
- dish[1]
- doll[1]
- drum[1]
- drumstick[2]
- figure[2]
- finger puller[1]
- game[1]
- hat[1]
- headwear[1]
- mallet[1]
- match box[1]
- match box lid[1]
- moccasin[4]
- model[2]
- mold[1]
- moose call[1]
- needle[4]
- net block[1]
- net needle[4]
- otter net[1]
- pattern[18]
- pipe[5]
- pouch[1]
- powder horn[1]
- proof of die[1]
- puzzle bag[2]
- rattle[1]
- signal arrow[1]
- skin stretcher[1]
- sled[2]
- snowshoe[7]
- splint cutter[1]
- spoon[3]
- stick[1]
- teething charm[1]
- thunder stone[1]
- toboggan[1]
- tray[2]
- vine trunk[1]
- walking stick[2]
- wall pocket[1]
- war club[2]
- whetstone[1]
- canada[141]
- lake temagami[2]
- maine[3]
- maniwaki[131]
- near maniwaki[6]
- north america[5]
- odanak[1]
- oldtown[3]
- ontario[2]
- quebec[139]
- river desert reserve[6]
- united states of america[4]
- wisconsin[1]
- abenaki[2]
- algonkin[135]
- european[1]
- flambeau band[1]
- iroquois[9]
- maliseet[2]
- ojibwa[5]
- penobscot[3]
- timagami band[2]
- ash splint[2]
- ash wood[12]
- babiche[1]
- bark[2]
- basswood[3]
- bear bone[1]
- bear tooth[1]
- birch bark[21]
- birchbark[21]
- bone[2]
- buckskin[9]
- cherry wood[3]
- deerskin[3]
- duckbill[1]
- feather[4]
- fiber[2]
- fish bone[1]
- fur[1]
- glass[1]
- hide[2]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- ironwood[2]
- leather[2]
- mole skin[1]
- pigment[7]
- pike[1]
- plant fiber[1]
- porcupine quill[1]
- potato[1]
- rawhide[4]
- sinew[1]
- skin[4]
- splint[1]
- spruce root[3]
- stone[2]
- vine[1]
- wood[57]
- pete dube[4]
1 - 30 of 145 Records

1 - 30 of 145 Records