Wanamaker Expedtion to the Northwest Coast, Louis Shotridge, 1917
Accession Lot
- Object[118]
- no[118]
- american[118]
- adze[2]
- amulet[1]
- armor[2]
- bag[1]
- basket[12]
- berry basket[1]
- body stamp[1]
- box[7]
- box lid[2]
- bundle[1]
- cape (clothing)[1]
- carrying strap[7]
- coat[2]
- dish[2]
- ear pendant[4]
- fish net[4]
- fish spear[1]
- hair ornament[1]
- hat[1]
- headdress[5]
- helmet[2]
- knife[4]
- ladle[6]
- mask[2]
- moccasin[1]
- moccasin leggings[1]
- neck ornament[1]
- neck ring[2]
- necklace[1]
- neckpiece[1]
- netting hook[1]
- pack strap[7]
- paint set[1]
- parka[1]
- rattle bag[1]
- robe[2]
- rope[10]
- shoulder pouch[1]
- skin[1]
- snowshoe[4]
- spear point[1]
- spoon[14]
- spoon box[1]
- tray[2]
- trencher[2]
- twine[1]
- alaska[114]
- chilkat river region[1]
- klukwan[5]
- sitka[2]
- southeast alaska[2]
- united states of america[3]
- athapaskan[4]
- chilkat[28]
- tlingit[111]
- fish?[1]
- abalone[1]
- abalone shell[1]
- argillite[1]
- baleen[1]
- bark[1]
- bead[2]
- bear ear[1]
- bear fur[2]
- bear hide[1]
- bear skin[1]
- bird skin[1]
- bone[5]
- brass[1]
- cedar bark[5]
- cloth[1]
- copper[6]
- cotton[4]
- cotton cloth[2]
- dentalium shell[1]
- eagle down[1]
- ermine[1]
- fabric[3]
- feather[3]
- fox fur[1]
- fur[2]
- glass[8]
- grass[1]
- gut[2]
- hair[3]
- hide[33]
- horn (animal part)[5]
- horse hair[1]
- iron[2]
- leather[3]
- metal[5]
- moose hide[1]
- mountain goat horn[4]
- mountain goat wool[1]
- mountain sheep horn[4]
- opercula[1]
- pigment[13]
- plant fiber[5]
- quill[2]
- rawhide[5]
- sea lion hide[2]
- shark tooth[4]
- sheep horn[3]
- shell[6]
- silk[3]
- sinew[2]
- skin[3]
- spruce root[17]
- squirrel skin[1]
- stone[1]
- twine[1]
- whisker[1]
- wood[38]
- wool[8]
- yarn[1]
- actual citation[15]
1 - 30 of 118 Records

1 - 30 of 118 Records