Eye kylix. Complete; restored from many fragments. Reserved: resting surface and outer edge of foot; inside of handles; tondo on interior; Tondo: black figure representation of warrior standing, advancing to right but looking back, with shield, cloak, scabbard and helmet, right arm holding sword raised above head. Exterior, red figure, A&B, pair of eyes and a nose. A large palmette on either side of the handles.
The Perseus Project. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/artifactBrowser?object=Vase&field=Collection&value=University+Museum%2C+University+of+Pennsylvania.
White, Donald J., Keith R. DeVries, David G. Romano, Irene B. Romano, and Yelena Stolyarik. The Ancient Greek World:The Rodney S. Young Gallery. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1995. See: p. 33