White, Donald J., Keith R. DeVries, David G. Romano, Irene B. Romano, and Yelena Stolyarik. The Ancient Greek World:The Rodney S. Young Gallery. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1995.
- Object[75]
- mediterranean[75]
- alabastron[1]
- amphora[9]
- aryballos[2]
- askos[1]
- bell krater[2]
- bowl[2]
- chous[1]
- coin[4]
- column krater[2]
- decadrachm[1]
- didrachm[1]
- earring[1]
- figurine[3]
- funerary stela[1]
- grave stela[1]
- gravestone[2]
- hadra hydria[1]
- helmet[2]
- herm[1]
- hydria[2]
- kantharos[1]
- kyathos[1]
- kylix[11]
- lekythos[4]
- loutrophoros[1]
- neck amphora[4]
- olpe[1]
- pelike[1]
- pyxis[3]
- pyxis lid[1]
- rhyton[1]
- squat lekythos[1]
- stamnos[1]
- statue[4]
- tetradrachm[5]
- transport amphora[1]
- tripod[1]
- zoomorphic vessel[1]
- apulia[4]
- ascoli piceno[1]
- athens[7]
- attica[7]
- benghazi[1]
- cairo[1]
- campania[2]
- canino[1]
- chiusi[1]
- cortona[1]
- cyprus[2]
- east greece[1]
- egypt[2]
- etruria[15]
- greece[18]
- greek island[2]
- ionia[1]
- italy[25]
- kaloriziki[1]
- kourion[1]
- libya[1]
- mediterranean[23]
- narce[1]
- orvieto[5]
- rhodes[1]
- siana[1]
- smyrna (turkey)[1]
- south italy[2]
- suessula[1]
- turkey[1]
- turkey (country)[1]
- umbria[1]
- vulci[6]
- kourion[1]
- ancient greek[1]
- apulian[4]
- archaic greek[1]
- athenian[1]
- attic[25]
- boeotian[1]
- campanian[1]
- classical greek[1]
- corinthian[3]
- cypriot[2]
- east greek[1]
- etruscan[8]
- faliscan[1]
- gnathian[1]
- greek[25]
- hellenistic[2]
- macedonian[1]
- middle corinthian[1]
- rhodian[3]
- seleucid[1]
- south italian[8]
- tarentine[1]
- ajax[1]
- alabastron[1]
- altar[1]
- amasos[1]
- amazons[1]
- animal[2]
- aphrodite anadyomene[1]
- apollo[1]
- archer[1]
- architecture[1]
- ariadne[1]
- armor[2]
- athena[5]
- athlete[2]
- athletes[4]
- axe[2]
- banquet[2]
- basin[1]
- basket[4]
- bird[1]
- boar[2]
- box[2]
- boxer[1]
- bull head[1]
- cat[1]
- centaur[1]
- centauromachy[1]
- chair[1]
- chariot[3]
- charioteer[1]
- charioteers[1]
- chariots[1]
- cheetah[1]
- chest[2]
- column[1]
- column krater[1]
- cow head[1]
- dance[1]
- dancer[2]
- dancing[1]
- daughter[1]
- death of achilles[1]
- death of antilochos[1]
- deer[1]
- dionysos[3]
- dipinto[2]
- discus[4]
- dog[1]
- dolphins[1]
- donkey[1]
- doric column[1]
- eagle[1]
- education[1]
- eros[2]
- eye[2]
- fan[1]
- farewell scene[1]
- father[1]
- flute[2]
- funeral[4]
- game[2]
- girl[3]
- grafitto[2]
- greek inscription[6]
- hare[2]
- helmet[3]
- heracles[5]
- herm[2]
- horse[8]
- inscription[6]
- javelin[2]
- lion[2]
- loutrophoros[2]
- lyre[2]
- maenad[2]
- man[4]
- mirror[2]
- nemean lion[2]
- nike[6]
- oinochoe[2]
- pig[2]
- quadriga[2]
- rhyton[2]
- satyr[2]
- shield[3]
- spear[2]
- staff[2]
- stool[2]
- strigil[2]
- thymiaterion[2]
- tomb[2]
- tray[2]
- warfare[4]
- warrior[5]
- woman[7]
- women[2]
- wreath[2]
- youth[11]
- youths[2]
- zeus[4]
- bronze[4]
- ceramic[52]
- copper alloy[1]
- gold[1]
- limestone[1]
- marble (stone)[3]
- parian marble[1]
- pentelic marble[3]
- silver[7]
- stone[1]
- terracotta[3]
- black figure[11]
- black glaze[1]
- black-figure[1]
- carved[3]
- geometric[4]
- hellenistic period[1]
- incised[1]
- kertsch style[1]
- red figure[25]
- white ground[2]
- alexander the great[1]
- amphitrite painter[1]
- antiphon painter[1]
- berlin painter[1]
- brygos[1]
- cassandra painter[1]
- dinos painter[1]
- diosphos painter[1]
- dot-ivy class[1]
- eucharides painter[1]
- euphronios[1]
- euphronios, potter[1]
- exekias[4]
- foundry painter[2]
- geladakis painter[1]
- ginosa painter[1]
- group of leipsic t 3599[1]
- hieron[1]
- hischylos[1]
- kleophrades painter[1]
- lysippides painter[1]
- manner of the lysippides painter[1]
- meleager painter[1]
- onesimos[1]
- painter of bologna 417[1]
- painter of paris gigantomachy[1]
- painter of philadelphia 2449[1]
- penthesilea painter[3]
- philip ii[1]
- platt painter[1]
- reed painter[1]
- scale painter[1]
- seleucus i[1]
- actual citation[75]
- type citation[2]
1 - 30 of 75 Records
1 - 30 of 75 Records