Figurine Fragment
From: Iraq | Nippur
Curatorial Section: Near Eastern
Object Number | B12290 |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Provenience | Iraq | Nippur |
Section | Near Eastern |
Materials | Terracotta |
Iconography | Priest | Goat |
Description | CBS Register: fragment of terracotta figurine, priest, holding goat in his arms. PBS XVI: Babylonian worshiper offering a kid. He is facing and carries the animal in both arms. His round turban, long beard, tunic and belt are as usual in Neo-Babylonian time. molded relief. |
Credit Line | Gift of Hermann V. Hilprecht, Babylonian Expedition to Nippur IV, 1900 |
Other Number | PBS XVI: 234 - Other Number | P267890 - CDLI Number |
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