Statue of bodhisattva made of hard, dark-grey limestone which has stained and discolored with age. There are traces of green, red and blue pigment on the piece. It is almost identical with C113 but there is no figure in the aureole of the tiara. C113, C150 and C151 are from Cave #2 of the Southern Xiangtangshan. C150 could be from the front shrine, one of the three shrines surrounded by the central pillar.
Tsiang, Katherine R. Echoes of the past : the Buddhist cave temples of Xiangtangshan. Chicago: The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago, 2010. See: pg. 108, fig.2-A; pg. 206-7 cat. 21; pg. 246 fig. 58
Howard, Angela F. "Reconstructing the Original Location of a Group of Sculptures in the University of Pennsylvania Museum." Orientations (Hong Kong) 32, no. 2. (2001): 32-39. Page/Fig./Plate: 33
Pacific cultures, Department of Fine Arts, Division of Pacific Cultures. San Francisco: Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939. See: Plate J, No. 64