Dohan, Edith Hall. Italic Tomb-Groups in the University Museum. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1942.
- Object[1,019]
- mediterranean[1,019]
- alabastron[7]
- amphora[36]
- amulet[7]
- arm band[1]
- armlet[3]
- aryballos[4]
- band[2]
- bead[50]
- belt[2]
- bit[2]
- boss[6]
- bowl[117]
- bracelet[30]
- bronze fragment[4]
- bulla[6]
- button[8]
- candelabrum[1]
- chain[8]
- chain fragment[2]
- chalice[4]
- clasp[2]
- coil[65]
- coil fragment[1]
- cuirass[1]
- cup[61]
- cup fragment[1]
- dagger[1]
- disc[10]
- dish[19]
- disk[5]
- distaff[2]
- fan handle[1]
- fibula (pin)[125]
- figurine[1]
- finger ring[1]
- finial[1]
- flask[1]
- footed bowl[4]
- fragment[7]
- gem[1]
- girdle[4]
- goblet[2]
- hair comb[1]
- hairpin[1]
- handle[7]
- helmet[1]
- holkion[3]
- hook[1]
- hook & eye[1]
- implement[5]
- jar[13]
- jug[7]
- kantharos[4]
- knife[3]
- kotyle[2]
- krater[1]
- kyathos[15]
- ladle[1]
- lance[2]
- lekythos[1]
- lid[19]
- loop[1]
- lydion[3]
- nail[5]
- neck amphora[1]
- necklace[2]
- object[5]
- oinochoe[23]
- olla[1]
- olpe[11]
- ornament[11]
- ornaments[1]
- pendant[56]
- pendant bead[7]
- pendant bead fragment[1]
- phiale[7]
- pilgrim flask[1]
- pin[3]
- plaque[33]
- plate[13]
- pot stand[30]
- pyxis[2]
- pyxis lid[2]
- razor[5]
- ring[30]
- rivet[2]
- scarab[2]
- situla[2]
- skyphos[8]
- spear[3]
- spindle whorl[13]
- spit[4]
- support[2]
- tube[2]
- urn[27]
- urn lid[2]
- vase[5]
- vase carrier[20]
- weight[17]
- wood fragment[3]
- corinthian[1]
- cypro-phoenician[1]
- etruscan[1,014]
- faliscan[811]
- greek[5]
- italic[1]
- bocchoris tomb[1]
- chamber tomb 5[1]
- tomb 1[72]
- tomb 1 (?)[1]
- tomb 102f[42]
- tomb 105f[48]
- tomb 109f[21]
- tomb 16f[8]
- tomb 18b[35]
- tomb 19m[55]
- tomb 2[22]
- tomb 21[5]
- tomb 22[33]
- tomb 23f[46]
- tomb 23m[80]
- tomb 24m[34]
- tomb 25[23]
- tomb 26[11]
- tomb 27m[21]
- tomb 2f[30]
- tomb 42f[28]
- tomb 42m[35]
- tomb 43[55]
- tomb 4f[27]
- tomb 5[16]
- tomb 51[22]
- tomb 64b[36]
- tomb 65m[40]
- tomb 66[68]
- tomb 70m[18]
- tomb 71m[40]
- tomb 7f[44]
- well tomb 66[3]
- acrobat[1]
- animals[3]
- antelope[1]
- athlete[1]
- attendant[1]
- bands[1]
- bes[1]
- bird[3]
- boar[1]
- caryatid[1]
- ceremony[1]
- chorus[1]
- circles[1]
- couch[1]
- dancer[1]
- dancers[2]
- doe[3]
- dog[1]
- duck[2]
- eagle[1]
- female[1]
- flutist[1]
- food[1]
- foot race[1]
- geometric motif[2]
- girls[1]
- goat[2]
- gorgoneion[1]
- head[1]
- helmet[6]
- horse[2]
- horseman[1]
- linear[1]
- lion[3]
- lioness[1]
- lozenge[1]
- man[2]
- offering tray[1]
- panther[3]
- ptah-seker-osiris[3]
- race[1]
- ram[1]
- religion[1]
- rosettes[1]
- seated woman[1]
- shield[6]
- sphinx[3]
- sphinx?[1]
- spinning[1]
- stag[1]
- stool[1]
- swan[2]
- table[1]
- tripod[1]
- warrior[6]
- woman[2]
- women[1]
- youths[1]
- actual citation[1,018]
- type citation[3]
1 - 30 of 1,019 Records
1 - 30 of 1,019 Records