Ranke, Hermann. "A Guide to the Egyptian Collections." The University Museum Bulletin 15, no. 2-3. (1950): 21-109.
- Object[308]
- egyptian[306]
- near eastern[2]
- amulet[5]
- architectural relief[1]
- architecture[1]
- axe[2]
- axe blade[2]
- back[1]
- bag[1]
- base[2]
- block[1]
- bottle[1]
- bottom[1]
- bowl[20]
- bowl lid[2]
- bracelet[1]
- canopic jar[1]
- canopic jar lid[1]
- capital[1]
- casket[1]
- casket lid[1]
- castanet[1]
- cat[2]
- child[1]
- coffin[5]
- coffin board[9]
- coffin lid[8]
- collar[1]
- column[2]
- column base[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[2]
- cosmetic container[2]
- cup[2]
- dagger[1]
- dish[4]
- door frame[5]
- door lintel[1]
- door socket[1]
- draughts[1]
- falcon[1]
- false door[1]
- figurine[10]
- finger ring[2]
- flask[1]
- flask fragment[1]
- front[2]
- funerary stela[4]
- game board[1]
- game piece[4]
- gateway[2]
- hair ornament[1]
- hair pin[1]
- human mummy[1]
- human remains[1]
- implement[1]
- inlay[12]
- jar[12]
- knife[2]
- kohl pot[10]
- kohl pot lid[6]
- kohl pot rim[1]
- kohl tube lid[1]
- lid[1]
- lintel[4]
- man[1]
- manuscript[1]
- mirror[1]
- mummy[5]
- mummy case[1]
- mummy portrait[2]
- necklace[1]
- object[1]
- object fragment[1]
- offering table[4]
- painting[5]
- palette[1]
- pavement[1]
- pendant[1]
- pillar[1]
- plaque[1]
- pot[4]
- relief[17]
- relief fragment[5]
- sarcophagus[1]
- sarcophagus lid[3]
- shawabti[2]
- shell[1]
- slab[1]
- spoon[3]
- spouted jar[1]
- statuary[1]
- statue[24]
- statue fragment[1]
- statuette[5]
- stela[8]
- tag[5]
- tomb model[25]
- vase[7]
- vessel[2]
- wall fragment[4]
- wand[2]
- wine jar lid[2]
- abadiyeh[1]
- abydos[50]
- aniba[2]
- ballas[22]
- beth shean[2]
- bubastis[3]
- buhen[11]
- coptos[2]
- deir el-medina[1]
- dendereh[12]
- deshasheh[2]
- dra abu el-naga[4]
- edfu[2]
- egypt[295]
- el-amarna[4]
- el-arabeh[1]
- el-bersheh[9]
- el-kab[5]
- el-mahasna[1]
- fayum[2]
- gurob[2]
- heracleopolis[2]
- hierakonpolis[15]
- hiw[2]
- israel[2]
- kahun[1]
- karanog cemetery[15]
- kasr ibrim[1]
- lahun[1]
- memphis (egypt)[8]
- meydum[8]
- mit-rahineh[10]
- naqada[21]
- nubia[29]
- rifeh[3]
- sais[1]
- saqqara[4]
- sedment[40]
- sudan[11]
- tanis[1]
- tarraneh[3]
- tell el-rataba[1]
- thebes (egypt)[19]
- thinis[1]
- umm el-ga'ab[20]
- upper egypt[14]
- amenhotep ii[1]
- archaic[3]
- dynasty 0[1]
- early nineteenth dynasty[1]
- early predynastic[4]
- egyptian early dynastic[43]
- egyptian predynastic period[21]
- eighteenth dynasty[34]
- fifteenth dynasty[1]
- fifth dynasty[1]
- first dynasty[36]
- first intermediate period[26]
- fourteenth dynasty[2]
- fourth dynasty[5]
- graeco-roman period[1]
- hatshepsut[1]
- iron age ib[1]
- iron age iia[1]
- kaa[1]
- khasekhem[1]
- late eighteenth dynasty[1]
- late period[11]
- meroitic[1]
- middle kingdom[16]
- middle predynastic[3]
- naqada ii[3]
- narmer[1]
- new kingdom[59]
- nineteenth dynasty[21]
- old kingdom[8]
- osorkon i[1]
- osorkon ii[1]
- post-ptolemaic[1]
- ptolemaic[1]
- ptolemaic period[6]
- ptolemy i[1]
- ptolemy ii[1]
- ptolemy xii neos dionysos[1]
- roman period[2]
- second dynasty[7]
- second intermediate period[1]
- seventeenth dynasty[2]
- sixteenth dynasty[1]
- sixth dynasty[2]
- tenth dynasty[1]
- third dynasty[1]
- third intermediate period[17]
- thirteenth dynasty[4]
- thirtieth dynasty[4]
- thirty-third dynasty[3]
- thutmose iii[1]
- thutmose iv[1]
- tutankhamun[1]
- tuthmosis iii[1]
- twelfth dynasty[10]
- twentieth dynasty[3]
- twenty-nineth dynasty[1]
- twenty-second dynasty[17]
- twenty-sixth dynasty[7]
- 15:022[3]
- 194[1]
- 200.20[3]
- 200.20 c. 4 metres above merenptah in centre of trench n edge[1]
- 200.3 ca. 1.50 above merneptah level[1]
- 23:070 / x1 area[2]
- 8:112/i/x6[1]
- an 7, tomb chapel[1]
- an6[1]
- ans30 - tomb of hor[1]
- area 1[1]
- b 15[1]
- b 16[1]
- b cemetery[3]
- b tombs: b10/b15/etc.[1]
- b6/13[1]
- bastet t[1]
- bastet temple[2]
- cemetery[2]
- cemetery d[1]
- dan 3[1]
- doorway between rooms e and d[5]
- e 156[1]
- e 261[1]
- e 300[1]
- el rubiyat[2]
- festival hall[2]
- from palace of merenptah[1]
- g 116[1]
- g 129[1]
- g 140[2]
- g 153[1]
- g 1574[1]
- g 189[1]
- g 226[1]
- g 271[1]
- g 287[1]
- g 301[1]
- g 377[1]
- g 45[1]
- g 542[1]
- g 566[1]
- g133[1]
- g229[1]
- g447[1]
- g61[1]
- gr q 593[1]
- gr1206[1]
- gr148[1]
- gr1621[1]
- gr1823[2]
- gr30[1]
- gr345[1]
- gr376[1]
- gr561[1]
- gr753[1]
- gr759[1]
- grave 207 or 217[1]
- grave 813[1]
- grave 839[1]
- grave b102[1]
- grave b109[1]
- grave q576[1]
- grave q711[2]
- grave s1[1]
- h25[1]
- harsaphes temple[1]
- hathor temple[3]
- horus temple[1]
- k26[1]
- k45[2]
- k8[2]
- lc vi2,60[1]
- lower middle stratum, strip 546[1]
- m8, south wall[1]
- main deposit[2]
- main deposit in temple of horus[1]
- min temple precinct[1]
- naqada cem. a or ballas cem. c - gr608[1]
- north temple[5]
- palace of merenptah[2]
- palace of merenptah 20(?)[1]
- palace of merenptah 20b-3[1]
- ramesseum[13]
- rm 120 top[1]
- rm 130 low[1]
- sacred enclosure of the temple of the god ptah[1]
- tomb 2010[2]
- tomb 2111, tomb of khentkhety[24]
- tomb 2307[2]
- tomb 254[2]
- tomb 260[2]
- tomb 261a[2]
- tomb 560[5]
- tomb 582[3]
- tomb m1[2]
- tomb of den (tomb t)[11]
- tomb of djer (tomb o)[3]
- tomb of khasekhemwy (tomb v)[2]
- tomb of semerkhet (tomb u)[2]
- achoris[1]
- akhenaten[1]
- amun[1]
- ankh[2]
- antelope[1]
- anubis[1]
- aten[1]
- atum[1]
- ba bird[3]
- baboon[2]
- bastet[1]
- beer bottle[10]
- bes[1]
- bird[1]
- bird head[2]
- boat[3]
- book of the dead[2]
- boy[1]
- bread loaf[1]
- bucket[1]
- caracalla[1]
- cartouche[6]
- cat[4]
- cobra[1]
- coffin[1]
- consort?[1]
- container[4]
- cow[2]
- cowrie shell[1]
- dog[1]
- draughts[1]
- duamutef[2]
- duck[4]
- falcon[4]
- falcon head[1]
- festival[2]
- flamingo[1]
- frog[3]
- frogs[1]
- funeral[1]
- gazelle?[1]
- gazelles[1]
- giraffe[1]
- girl[1]
- goddess[5]
- grain sack[3]
- granary[1]
- hare[1]
- head[1]
- herdsman[1]
- horus[9]
- horus falcon[1]
- human[3]
- hymn[1]
- inheret[1]
- inscription[1]
- invocation scene[1]
- isis[3]
- isis girdle[1]
- jackal[2]
- jackal head[2]
- khnum[1]
- king[8]
- kneeling figure[5]
- knife[1]
- korax[1]
- lion[3]
- lion head[1]
- lotus[3]
- maat[1]
- man[17]
- maya[1]
- merer[1]
- min[5]
- monkey[2]
- montu[1]
- nefertem[1]
- neith[2]
- nekhbet[2]
- nude female[1]
- offering scene[1]
- offering stand[1]
- offering table[3]
- offerings[1]
- oil[1]
- osiris[4]
- osorkon i[1]
- osorkon ii[2]
- overseer[2]
- papyrus flower[1]
- pedibast[1]
- person[1]
- priest[2]
- ramesses ii[2]
- serekh[3]
- snake[4]
- sphinx[2]
- sun disk[2]
- woman[8]
- worker[5]
- alabaster[14]
- andesite[2]
- animal remains[3]
- basalt[5]
- bone[1]
- bronze[9]
- calcite[2]
- cartonnage[4]
- ceramic[24]
- chalcedony[1]
- cloth[1]
- copper[2]
- copper alloy[1]
- diorite[10]
- ebony[1]
- electrum[2]
- faience[10]
- flint[3]
- gesso[3]
- glass[2]
- gold[11]
- granite[8]
- graywacke[1]
- gypsum[2]
- hematite[1]
- hippopotamus ivory[1]
- human remains[3]
- ink[1]
- ivory[43]
- leather[1]
- limestone[45]
- linen[5]
- marble (stone)[11]
- obsidian[2]
- oyster shell[1]
- paint[16]
- papyrus[1]
- pigment[50]
- plaster[1]
- porphyry[2]
- quartz[2]
- quartz monzonite[1]
- quartzite[4]
- rock crystal[1]
- sandstone[25]
- serpentine[4]
- shell[1]
- slate[2]
- steatite[6]
- stone[4]
- tempera[1]
- travertine[3]
- wax[2]
- wood[55]
- bas relief[1]
- black top ware[2]
- carved[3]
- cast[5]
- fired[1]
- gilded[2]
- incised[3]
- inlaid[4]
- inscribed[6]
- low relief[1]
- painted[19]
- raised relief[1]
- red ware[1]
- sunk relief[3]
- ankhtyfy[1]
- actual citation[308]
1 - 30 of 308 Records
1 - 30 of 308 Records