Fisher, Clarence S. "The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Egyptian Expedition." The Museum Journal 8, no. 4. (1917): 211-237.
- Object[20]
- egyptian[20]
- amulet[4]
- bead[1]
- bead netting[1]
- bead string[2]
- gateway[5]
- mummy bead[1]
- necklace[2]
- relief[1]
- statuette fragment[1]
- stela[1]
- string of beads[2]
- dendereh[7]
- egypt[20]
- memphis (egypt)[5]
- mit-rahineh[8]
- 13:098[1]
- 13:098 c[2]
- 13:098 c/11[1]
- 200.20[3]
- 200.20 c. 4 metres above merenptah in centre of trench n edge[1]
- 200.20 ca 4 meters above merenptah, in center of trench, north edge[1]
- 200:20, ca 4.00 above merenptah in centre trench n. edge[1]
- from waist.[2]
- palace of merenptah[5]
- room 100 (middle third)[1]
- room 101[1]
- cowrie shell[1]
- harpocrates[1]
- horus[1]
- inheret[1]
- isis[1]
- male head[1]
- montu[1]
- pomegranate[1]
- priest[1]
- prince[1]
- seated man[1]
- sekhmet[1]
- hieroglyphic[3]
- cast[4]
- sunk relief[1]
- actual citation[20]
1 - 20 of 20 Records

1 - 20 of 20 Records