Peace Around the World: Toys and Games for All the Ages
Exhibition (08 Dec 1996 - 31 Aug 1997)
- Object[80]
- american[32]
- asian[20]
- egyptian[2]
- historic[7]
- near eastern[19]
- animal bone[5]
- animal figurine[3]
- ball[1]
- cradle board[1]
- cup & pin game[1]
- dice[5]
- die[3]
- doll[8]
- dominoes[2]
- figurine[3]
- figurine fragment[1]
- game[1]
- game ball[1]
- game board[1]
- game piece[5]
- gameboard[1]
- humming top[1]
- minchiate[1]
- model[3]
- peg top[1]
- playing card[1]
- playing card box[1]
- playing card box lid[1]
- playing card deck[4]
- playing cards[8]
- puzzle[2]
- rattle[2]
- reproduction[9]
- shinny ball[3]
- sling shot[1]
- stick dice[8]
- tarot[1]
- top[1]
- top die[1]
- tossing game[1]
- toy[4]
- wire puzzle[1]
- yo-yo[1]
- alaska[1]
- arizona[5]
- austria[1]
- bangkok[1]
- beth shean[5]
- beth shemesh[1]
- brazil[2]
- burma[3]
- canada[1]
- canton[1]
- china[3]
- chongqing[1]
- cottbus[1]
- egypt[2]
- europe[2]
- fairfax[1]
- fara[1]
- firenze[1]
- fort berthold[1]
- fort peck reservation[1]
- fuzhou[1]
- germany[2]
- guatemala[1]
- guiana[2]
- india[11]
- iraq[13]
- israel[6]
- italy[1]
- japan[2]
- labrador[1]
- maharashtra[7]
- montana[3]
- new mexico[1]
- nippur[8]
- north dakota[9]
- nuremburg[1]
- oklahoma[3]
- oraibi[4]
- oxyrhynchus[2]
- peru[2]
- south dakota[4]
- thailand[1]
- third mesa[4]
- ungava[1]
- united states of america[21]
- ur[4]
- vienna[1]
- washita river area[1]
- white river[3]
- wind river reservation[1]
- wyoming[1]
- 17th century[1]
- 19th century[2]
- 20th century[1]
- historic[2]
- isin-larsa[2]
- late 19th century[1]
- late bronze iib[5]
- modern[1]
- parthian[2]
- parthian period[1]
- ur iii[1]
- americana - uncertain[1]
- apache[1]
- arapaho[1]
- austrian[1]
- burmese[3]
- cheyenne (culture)[1]
- chinese[3]
- crow (culture)[2]
- dakota[1]
- eskimo[1]
- european[1]
- german[2]
- hidatsa[8]
- hindu[8]
- hopi[4]
- indian[11]
- italian[1]
- japanese[2]
- kiowa[1]
- lakota[4]
- macusi[1]
- mandan[1]
- naskapi[1]
- quechua[2]
- roman[2]
- sioux[1]
- thai[1]
- wapisiana[1]
- yankton[1]
- ankusha[2]
- attendants[2]
- bana-dhanus[2]
- birds[1]
- bitch[1]
- boat[1]
- bridge[1]
- deer[1]
- dog[1]
- dominoes[2]
- female[1]
- fish[2]
- flowers[1]
- foliage[1]
- gada[3]
- game[8]
- ganesha[1]
- goose[1]
- gun[1]
- hand[1]
- hanuman[1]
- hindu deity[2]
- horse[3]
- horse head[1]
- human figure[1]
- human figures[1]
- ibex?[1]
- khetaka[1]
- leaves[1]
- male[1]
- money suited[1]
- mouse[1]
- old thousand[1]
- parashu[3]
- peasant girl[1]
- puppy[1]
- pustaka[1]
- ram?[1]
- rider[3]
- sankha[2]
- sheep[1]
- sheep?[1]
- shiva[1]
- shula[1]
- soldier[1]
- sword[2]
- trishula[4]
- umbrella[1]
- varaha?[1]
- vishnu[3]
- wang ying[1]
- water margin[1]
- white flower[1]
- yum hiki[1]
- animal bone[5]
- balsa wood[1]
- bear bone[1]
- bone[2]
- brass[1]
- buckskin[1]
- cardboard[1]
- catlinite[1]
- ceramic[2]
- clay[2]
- cord[1]
- corncob[1]
- cotton[7]
- deer bone[1]
- elk antler[8]
- feather[2]
- feathers[1]
- glass[7]
- gold leaf[1]
- hide[7]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- horsehair[2]
- ink[3]
- iron[1]
- ivory[4]
- lacquer[5]
- lapis lazuli[3]
- leather[2]
- limestone[1]
- metal[5]
- paint[4]
- paper[12]
- papyrus[1]
- pigment[22]
- plastic[3]
- rawhide[1]
- reed (plant)[3]
- resin (material)[1]
- sandstone[1]
- seal skin[1]
- shale[1]
- shell[3]
- silk[2]
- sinew[1]
- straw[1]
- terracotta[8]
- textile[1]
- thread[1]
- tin[1]
- walnut shell[1]
- walrus ivory[1]
- wire[1]
- wood[14]
- wool[5]
- actual citation[47]
1 - 30 of 80 Records

1 - 30 of 80 Records