Africa Galleries
- Object[329]
- yes[329]
- african[315]
- egyptian[10]
- near eastern[4]
- amulet[2]
- anklet[1]
- armlet[2]
- artwork[2]
- baton[1]
- bead[19]
- bead network[1]
- bell[9]
- belt[1]
- blade[1]
- book[2]
- box[1]
- box lid[1]
- bracelet[3]
- ceremonial sword[1]
- coconut shell[2]
- cocoon[3]
- coin[4]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[3]
- container[1]
- cross[2]
- crucible[1]
- cup[1]
- currency[2]
- dagger[3]
- dance wand[1]
- decorative panel[1]
- dinar[2]
- diptych[1]
- disk[2]
- dress[1]
- drum[1]
- ebere[1]
- fetish[4]
- figure[1]
- finger ring[1]
- fringe[1]
- game board[4]
- game piece[50]
- goblet drum[2]
- gold dust box[1]
- gold dust box lid[1]
- gold dust scale[1]
- gold dust scoop[1]
- gold weight[54]
- hair pin[9]
- harness mount[1]
- hat[3]
- headdress[1]
- helmet[1]
- helmet mask[1]
- hip-pendant[5]
- horn (animal part)[4]
- ink well[1]
- ink well lid[1]
- jar[1]
- lid[2]
- mancala[50]
- mancala board[2]
- manuscript[3]
- mask[1]
- medicine packet[11]
- medicine pot[1]
- mold[4]
- money[1]
- necklace[1]
- oboe[1]
- offering table[1]
- ornament[1]
- paddle[1]
- painting[3]
- pen[1]
- pen case[1]
- pendant[1]
- pendant mask[5]
- plaque[7]
- powder horn[1]
- powder keg[1]
- prayer beads[1]
- quarter dinar[1]
- raffia[1]
- rattle[1]
- reliquary guardian figure[5]
- ring[1]
- robe[1]
- rosary[1]
- sculpture[7]
- seed[7]
- shawabti[1]
- shield[1]
- shoes[2]
- shroud[1]
- snuff holder[2]
- spoon[2]
- statue[12]
- sword[3]
- textile[2]
- trumpet[6]
- tusk[5]
- xylophone hammer[2]
- abydos[1]
- adigrat[2]
- africa[54]
- angola[4]
- asmara[1]
- belgian congo[39]
- benin kingdom[61]
- bonthe[1]
- brazil[2]
- cairo[4]
- congo[2]
- congo river[2]
- democratic republic of the congo[1]
- dendereh[1]
- eastern province[27]
- egypt[16]
- ethiopia[11]
- french congo[1]
- gabon[7]
- gabun[1]
- ghana[82]
- gold coast[3]
- isanga[1]
- isangi[2]
- ivory coast[2]
- karanog cemetery[2]
- kasai district[10]
- katanga province[1]
- kenya[1]
- kwango river[1]
- lagos[2]
- lili[1]
- lomami river[2]
- luhanda[2]
- madagascar[1]
- mali[2]
- maritime congo[2]
- marrakech[2]
- mit-rahineh[1]
- morocco[14]
- nairobi[1]
- niger river[1]
- nigeria[112]
- nomba[1]
- north africa[1]
- northeastern zaire[2]
- northern abyssinia[2]
- northern zaire[1]
- nubia[3]
- philadelphia[1]
- republic of the congo[2]
- senegal[1]
- sherbro island[5]
- sicily[1]
- sierra leone[5]
- sitia chiefdom[1]
- south africa[3]
- sudan[4]
- tigre[2]
- tunisia[2]
- united kingdom[6]
- united states of america[1]
- yoni[2]
- zaire[44]
- zanzibar[1]
- akan[2]
- ambundu[3]
- arusa galla[1]
- ashanti[80]
- bakongo[1]
- bakota[5]
- bambara[1]
- bashilele[2]
- baule[2]
- bayaka[7]
- bini[1]
- boran[1]
- british[6]
- coptic[2]
- edo (africa)[56]
- fang[1]
- fatimid[3]
- galla[1]
- galla magois[1]
- ishan[1]
- islamic[2]
- krim[1]
- malagasy[1]
- mangbetu[1]
- mangolo[1]
- mbole[1]
- meroitic[2]
- moroccan arab[2]
- owo[1]
- ptolemaic[1]
- shangana-tsonga[3]
- sherbro[2]
- sudanese[1]
- swahili cluster[1]
- vili[1]
- yoruba[53]
- ashanti[3]
- central africa[3]
- edo (africa)[3]
- ishan[1]
- north africa[3]
- owo[1]
- west africa[18]
- 508[1]
- g[1]
- g 442[1]
- lalibela, amanuel church region[1]
- near adoka[1]
- amandus johnson[2]
- animal[1]
- attendant[1]
- bird[7]
- birds[3]
- box[1]
- cannon[1]
- catfish[2]
- ceremonial sword[1]
- child[1]
- claw[3]
- clerics[1]
- cock[2]
- cord[1]
- crocodile[3]
- cross[1]
- cube[2]
- dragon[1]
- eagle[1]
- fan[1]
- female[1]
- female head[1]
- figures[1]
- fish[2]
- frog[1]
- gazelle?[1]
- geometric[6]
- groundnut[1]
- horn[3]
- human face[3]
- human figure[3]
- human hand[1]
- human head[6]
- ibis[1]
- instrument[1]
- knife[2]
- leopard[2]
- leopard head[1]
- madonna[1]
- male[1]
- male figures[1]
- man[6]
- mancala[2]
- mancala board[1]
- mask[1]
- men[2]
- men's[2]
- mirror[1]
- monkey[1]
- monkey head[1]
- mudfish[2]
- newt[1]
- ox head[1]
- pangolin[1]
- peanut[1]
- porcupine[1]
- prisoner[1]
- pyramid[2]
- queen mother[1]
- sankofa[1]
- sawfish[1]
- scale[1]
- scorpion[1]
- shield[5]
- snake[2]
- snake head[1]
- snake?[1]
- soldiers[1]
- spear[1]
- spoon[1]
- st. george[1]
- standing female figure[2]
- standing male figure[3]
- standing male figures[1]
- stool[1]
- sword[2]
- tortoise[1]
- tree[1]
- warriors[1]
- wedjat eye[1]
- woman[4]
- king[1]
- agate[1]
- animal bone fragment[1]
- apricot wood[1]
- beeswax[2]
- bone[1]
- brass[96]
- bronze[11]
- carnelian[1]
- ceramic[7]
- clay[4]
- coconut shell[2]
- cocoon[2]
- copper[7]
- copper alloy[50]
- coral[2]
- cotton[4]
- ebony[1]
- elephant ivory[1]
- elephant tusk[2]
- fabric[1]
- faience[2]
- fiber[7]
- fiber cord[1]
- glass[5]
- glaze[2]
- gold[24]
- gourd[1]
- granite[1]
- hide[2]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- ink[2]
- iron[8]
- iron ore[1]
- ivory[28]
- leather[5]
- limestone[1]
- linen[1]
- metal[4]
- olive wood[1]
- paint[2]
- paper[2]
- parchment[1]
- pigment[3]
- raffia[3]
- reptile skin[1]
- sandstone[1]
- seed[56]
- shell[1]
- silk[1]
- silver[2]
- silver alloy[1]
- skin[1]
- steel[3]
- terracotta[1]
- vellum[3]
- wood[37]
- carved[11]
- embroidered[1]
- engraved[1]
- fired[1]
- glazed[2]
- incised[4]
- inlaid[1]
- lost wax casting[42]
- woven[1]
- actual citation[102]
1 - 30 of 329 Records

1 - 30 of 329 Records