Search Collections
- Object[3,592]
- yes[3,592]
- african[75]
- american[1,803]
- asian[54]
- babylonian[17]
- egyptian[2]
- european[938]
- historic[95]
- mediterranean[73]
- near eastern[133]
- oceanian[402]
- adze head[34]
- angle burin[14]
- animal bone[34]
- animal tooth[19]
- arrow[63]
- arrowhead[16]
- awl[19]
- bag[26]
- banda (guatemalan textile)[34]
- bark cloth[30]
- bark cloth beater[9]
- basket[34]
- baton[9]
- bec-de-flute[14]
- belt[101]
- blade[112]
- bladelet[13]
- blouse[281]
- bone fragment[11]
- bowl[47]
- burin[22]
- camisa[23]
- cast[63]
- celt[45]
- chisel[9]
- cinta[44]
- club[27]
- coin[24]
- corte[36]
- cotton[11]
- coup-de-poing[230]
- cup[9]
- double end scraper[10]
- end scraper[61]
- engraved bamboo[9]
- faja[63]
- figure[14]
- figurine[36]
- flake[75]
- fragment[21]
- game stick[11]
- grattoir[86]
- gravette point[14]
- ground stone tool[35]
- hair band[41]
- hand axe[283]
- hand-axe[18]
- huipil[276]
- human figurine[22]
- jacket[13]
- jar[15]
- kachina doll[9]
- keeled scraper[21]
- labret[9]
- lithic[11]
- loom[10]
- mask part[10]
- medal[52]
- minchiate[94]
- molar[12]
- morral[12]
- necklace[16]
- needle[9]
- nucleus (lithic)[21]
- ocarina[11]
- painting[45]
- pantalon[34]
- perraje[20]
- playing card[94]
- point[49]
- pottery fragment[48]
- pottery fragments[12]
- refajo[31]
- roof spire[11]
- saco[12]
- sample[14]
- scraper[16]
- scraper-burin[11]
- screw driver burin[29]
- servilleta[55]
- shawl[23]
- sherd[252]
- shirt[24]
- side scraper[14]
- skirt[56]
- skirt length[17]
- sling stone[42]
- smoothing tool[9]
- spindle whorl[10]
- spoon[9]
- tablet[16]
- tarot card[94]
- textile[15]
- thread[13]
- tray[10]
- trousers[35]
- tzute[115]
- utility cloth[173]
- vase[9]
- vessel[11]
- abbeville[24]
- abri blanchard[216]
- alaska[249]
- almolonga[15]
- altar de sacraficios[215]
- arizona[35]
- barnfield pit[180]
- bonasila[21]
- bonasila beach[17]
- botswana[15]
- brazil[19]
- canas[19]
- china[33]
- coban[59]
- colombia[89]
- comalapa[13]
- commune de bassillac[19]
- comunidad indigena de zitakua[34]
- cook inlet[19]
- cre de lalinde[22]
- department of alta verapaz[75]
- department of baja verapaz[21]
- department of chimaltenango[37]
- department of escuintla[21]
- department of guatemala[116]
- department of huehuetenango[73]
- department of peten[215]
- department of quezaltenango[94]
- department of quiche[95]
- department of sacatepequez[86]
- department of san marcos[28]
- department of solola[134]
- department of totonicapan[58]
- dordogne[451]
- el jicaro[21]
- england[279]
- etosha pan[17]
- firenze[94]
- france[685]
- galley hill[66]
- gare de couze[22]
- goudaud[19]
- grand pressigny[17]
- guatemala[1,154]
- indre-et-loire[20]
- iran[125]
- iraq[23]
- italy[108]
- kachemak bay[17]
- kent[259]
- la madeleine[23]
- labatut[203]
- lago de ajudante[16]
- lower yukon river valley[56]
- luquillo[28]
- mexico (central america)[48]
- milton street pit[144]
- mixco[25]
- monserrate[24]
- nahuala[27]
- namibia[14]
- nayarit[36]
- new caledonia[181]
- new hebrides[74]
- new mexico[25]
- nippur[17]
- palin[24]
- pech de bourre[42]
- pennsylvania[17]
- ponce[20]
- prince william sound[35]
- puerto rico[68]
- quezaltenango[46]
- roches de sergeac[334]
- saint-acheul[29]
- san antonio aguas calientes[38]
- san jose nacahuil[14]
- san juan sacatepequez[39]
- san martin sacatepequez[14]
- san miguel totonicapan[28]
- san pedro la laguna[19]
- san pedro sacatepequez[57]
- santa maria de jesus[19]
- santa maria nebaj[17]
- santiago atitlan[15]
- santo tomas chichicastenango[45]
- sierra nevada de santa marta[88]
- society islands[70]
- solomon islands[17]
- somme[58]
- susa (iran)[119]
- swanscombe[249]
- tahiti[21]
- teotihuacan (mexico)[17]
- tepic[34]
- todos santos cuchumatan[33]
- united states of america[252]
- west indies[68]
- western mexico[35]
- yukon island[57]
- 19th century[3]
- abbevillian[3]
- acheulian[2]
- acheulian iv[27]
- african paleolithic period[9]
- aurignacian[10]
- clactonian[2]
- clactonian ii[2]
- classic[2]
- dade[1]
- early old babylonian period[1]
- first french republic[15]
- former shu kingdom[1]
- hellenistic period[1]
- historic[1]
- imperial roman period[1]
- jingde[1]
- kachemak bay culture i[1]
- kachemak bay culture ii[2]
- kachemak bay culture iii[7]
- kangxi[5]
- kingdom of min[3]
- late 19th century[1]
- late abbevillian[1]
- late minoan i[1]
- late minoan ia[1]
- late minoan ib[2]
- later le dynasty[6]
- lower acheulian[18]
- lower aurignacian[2]
- lower levallois[1]
- lower mousterian[1]
- lower paleolithic[4]
- magdalenian[49]
- magdalenian iv[22]
- magdalenian v[3]
- magdalenian vi[7]
- middle acheulian[259]
- middle aurignacian[215]
- middle levallois iii[1]
- middle minoan ib[1]
- middle minoan ii[2]
- middle minoan iii[2]
- ming dynasty[9]
- mississippi period[2]
- modern[31]
- mousterian[68]
- neoclassical[1]
- neolithic[48]
- northern song dynasty[1]
- old akkadian period[16]
- old babylonian period[1]
- old town ii[5]
- old town iii[3]
- paleolithic[19]
- post classical[2]
- postclassic[2]
- pre ur iii[1]
- prehistoric[14]
- qing dynasty[9]
- renaissance[2]
- roman period[1]
- solutrean[10]
- song dynasty[1]
- tang dynasty[1]
- tardenoisian[2]
- ten kingdoms[4]
- teotihuacan i[2]
- teotihuacan ii[3]
- teotihuacan iii[8]
- teotihuacan iv[1]
- upper acheulian[7]
- upper aurignacian[210]
- upper levallois[6]
- upper levallois vi[2]
- upper paleolithic[19]
- xianfeng[1]
- xuande[1]
- yongzheng[2]
- yuan dynasty[1]
- zhengde[7]
- abbevillian[3]
- acheulian[2]
- acheulian iv[27]
- acoma[4]
- ahtna[11]
- algonkin[4]
- arawak[65]
- aurignacian[10]
- bamangwato[5]
- barotse[3]
- berber[2]
- blackfeet[3]
- buddhist[10]
- bushmen[20]
- cakchiquel[256]
- chimayo[3]
- chinese[37]
- chorti[7]
- chugach[18]
- chugach eskimo[4]
- chuj[5]
- clactonian[2]
- clactonian ii[2]
- cuevas[7]
- dene[5]
- eskimo[43]
- eyak[16]
- florentine[94]
- french[53]
- guatemalan[142]
- highland maya[2]
- hopi[25]
- huichol[54]
- igneri[13]
- indian[4]
- italian[100]
- ixil[36]
- jacaltec[4]
- kachemak bay culture iii[34]
- kachemak bay culture sub-iii[7]
- kanak[3]
- kanjobal[3]
- kayan[3]
- kekchi[46]
- klikitat[3]
- kootsnuhu tlingit[2]
- lower acheulian[18]
- lower aurignacian[2]
- lower paleolithic[4]
- magdalenian[49]
- magdalenian iv[22]
- magdalenian v[3]
- magdalenian vi[7]
- mam[107]
- maya[12]
- maya (central american culture)[3]
- micmac[2]
- middle acheulian[259]
- middle aurignacian[215]
- minoan[4]
- modern indian[3]
- mousterian[68]
- navajo[5]
- neolithic[45]
- njinga[2]
- nootka[6]
- ovambo[5]
- paleolithic[19]
- penobscot[2]
- pima[8]
- pipil[3]
- pocomam[43]
- pocomchi[15]
- pokomam[7]
- pokoman[6]
- prehistoric eskimo[58]
- pueblo[9]
- quiche[240]
- roman[2]
- sacapulteca[2]
- solutrean[10]
- swiss lake dweller[4]
- taino[53]
- tairona[87]
- tardenoisian[2]
- teotihuacan (culture)[14]
- teotihuacan (mexico)[5]
- tlascala[6]
- tlingit[21]
- turkoman[2]
- tzutuhil[7]
- tzutujil[42]
- upper acheulian[7]
- upper aurignacian[210]
- upper levallois[7]
- upper paleolithic[19]
- vietnamese[6]
- yakutat (culture)[2]
- yukon[14]
- zuni[2]
- amazonia[20]
- andean[7]
- arctic culture area[173]
- asia[1]
- california culture area[1]
- caribbean[68]
- central american[1,243]
- circum-caribbean[89]
- great basin culture area[1]
- great plains culture area[5]
- north africa[9]
- north american culture area[2]
- northeast culture area[27]
- northwest coast culture area[42]
- siberia[1]
- south american culture area[2]
- southeast culture area[5]
- southern africa[1]
- southwest culture area[67]
- subarctic culture area[46]
- west africa[2]
- 1 k 5' 6", ii[1]
- 2 f, 5', vii[1]
- 2 g, 3' 6" - 4', vii or viii[1]
- 2 j[1]
- 2 l 6', ii[1]
- 2 l 7', ii[1]
- 2'3" - 2'9"[3]
- 2'4" - 2'10"[1]
- 2'6" - 3' (?)[1]
- 2'9" - 2'3"[1]
- 29x1[1]
- 2d, 6" -1', viii (ix)[1]
- 2e, 1' - 1'6", viii (ix?)[1]
- 3 g, (h) surface-6"[1]
- 3 h[6]
- 3 j[1]
- 3 j, 1'3" - 1'9"[1]
- 3 j, 1'3"-1'9"[1]
- 3' - 3'6"[1]
- 3'3" - 3'9"[1]
- 3-6" below surface[2]
- 3rd grotto[1]
- 4 h[7]
- 4 h, (11' - 11' 9"), layer 2[1]
- 4 h, 3'6" - 4'[1]
- 4 j[1]
- 4 k[1]
- 4 k 3'4" - 3'9"[3]
- 4 k, 1'6"-2'3"[1]
- 4 k, 3'3" - 3'9"[4]
- 4 k.[1]
- 4 m de profondeur[1]
- 4' - 4'6"[4]
- 4' 6"[1]
- 4'- 4'6"[1]
- 4'2" e and 7" n of sw corner of square at one edge of hearth #2[1]
- 4'6" - 5'[1]
- 4'9" - 5'3"[2]
- 40 metre terrace[1]
- 4th grotto[1]
- 5 h[1]
- 5 h, 9' 1-" - 1-' 4", layer 2[1]
- 5 j[2]
- 5 j, 10' 6" - 11', layer 1[1]
- 5'9" - 6'6"[1]
- 6'3" - 6'9"[2]
- 6'6" - 7'[1]
- 7' 5" - 7' 11"[1]
- 8'9" - 9'3"[1]
- 8-10" below surface[2]
- 9 ' below surface[1]
- a site on lost river near yakutat. from river[1]
- abri de plantade[1]
- abri no. 2[14]
- agora[1]
- all from midden in front of recent house ruin.[1]
- at bottom of midden.[1]
- atelier de comment[13]
- atelier de commont[4]
- b[5]
- b2e 11"[1]
- bank on e. side of stream mouth and beach[5]
- baousse-rousse caves[1]
- beach[3]
- beach below big cave.[1]
- beach below small cave[1]
- beach on south side of northeast point[1]
- carriere de m. leon[3]
- carrieres de la stic[8]
- caves of baousse-rousse[2]
- charcoal layer above beach on terrace #1[2]
- chateau malbarret[4]
- chemin de poste quarry[18]
- found on beach below small cave[2]
- from surface of leibhart-peters farm.[5]
- house 12[4]
- house 13, floor[3]
- house 4[3]
- house 8[4]
- house pit[3]
- l. surface - 1' 6"[2]
- layer 6 or 5-c[2]
- layer 6 or 7[2]
- layer 7[3]
- layer 7?[2]
- layer 8[6]
- layer 8, 7? or 6[2]
- layer 9[9]
- layer 9?[4]
- middle terrace[17]
- muller's garden and path to the beach.[3]
- philip amarus farm (20 miles northeast of vancouver, washington)[2]
- reservation 6 miles south of maniwaki[3]
- shiskin smokehouse[2]
- slope of terrace #2, at house #1[3]
- storage house, just above floor, subsurface pit #15, upper level, depth 41"[2]
- surface[7]
- workshop de la claisiere[2]
- workshop du carrier[2]
- workshop of fontmaure[2]
- ajax[1]
- alligator[1]
- alvadaro[1]
- animal[11]
- animal head[6]
- animals[2]
- aqueduct[1]
- army[1]
- athena[1]
- basket[1]
- battle[1]
- bear[3]
- bear paw[1]
- bird[18]
- bird?[1]
- birds[3]
- bovine[1]
- building[1]
- butterfly[1]
- cat head[1]
- chair[1]
- cloud[2]
- clown[1]
- coat of arms[3]
- cofradia[3]
- combat[1]
- conch shell[1]
- cooking[1]
- corn[1]
- crow[1]
- dacia[1]
- daoist immortal[1]
- deer[2]
- diamond[1]
- dog[2]
- dragon[8]
- dragon?[2]
- eagle[4]
- elephant[1]
- enanatumma[1]
- face[1]
- feather[1]
- female[1]
- female figure[3]
- female portrait[3]
- female torso[1]
- figure[2]
- figures[6]
- fire[1]
- fish[3]
- five blessings[1]
- floral motif[1]
- flower[3]
- flower blossom[1]
- flowers[1]
- fox[1]
- freedom[1]
- french constitution[4]
- french republic[6]
- frog[1]
- gazelle[2]
- gem impression[2]
- geography[94]
- geometric pattern[4]
- goat[2]
- gourd[1]
- greek warrior[1]
- guiliana de medici?[1]
- halloween[1]
- hand[2]
- head[3]
- horse[6]
- human[2]
- human figure[2]
- human head[2]
- ibex[3]
- inscription[45]
- leg[2]
- lizard[2]
- male portrait[32]
- man[4]
- money suited[3]
- navajo[2]
- old thousand[3]
- phoenix[7]
- plant[3]
- reindeer[5]
- revolution[2]
- river[2]
- seal[2]
- serpent[2]
- snake[4]
- sun[5]
- thunderbird[2]
- victory[4]
- wang ying[3]
- water margin[3]
- whale[3]
- white flower[3]
- woman[31]
- animal bone[13]
- animal tooth[4]
- antler[34]
- bamboo[24]
- bark[5]
- bark cloth[41]
- basalt[5]
- bast[6]
- bead[5]
- beads[9]
- beeswax[49]
- bird bone[8]
- bone[112]
- bovine bone[11]
- bovine tooth[3]
- bronze[67]
- buckskin[3]
- cane (plant)[6]
- cardboard[95]
- ceramic[382]
- chalcedony[6]
- clay[131]
- cloth[8]
- coconut[4]
- coconut fiber[5]
- coconut shell[6]
- conch shell[3]
- copper[5]
- coral[3]
- cord[3]
- cotton[787]
- diorite[4]
- dye[10]
- fabric[3]
- feather[22]
- felt[5]
- fiber[54]
- fish bone[4]
- flint[802]
- flying fox fur[6]
- fur[10]
- glass[27]
- glaze[10]
- gold[7]
- gourd[28]
- grass[6]
- greenstone[9]
- hair[8]
- hide[13]
- horse tooth[7]
- horsehair[3]
- ink[3]
- iron[8]
- ivory[19]
- leather[16]
- limestone[7]
- linen[6]
- maguey[11]
- mammoth ivory[4]
- metal[29]
- mollusk shell[6]
- obsidian[5]
- ochre[10]
- olive shell[4]
- paint[27]
- palm leaf sheath[5]
- pandanus leaf[4]
- paper[4]
- pigment[85]
- plant fiber[67]
- plant material[17]
- plaster[54]
- porcelain[8]
- quartz[9]
- quartzite[4]
- rayon[13]
- reed (plant)[36]
- reindeer bone[11]
- rope[4]
- sandstone[4]
- sequins[6]
- shell[32]
- silk[222]
- silver[20]
- sinew[14]
- skin[6]
- slate[9]
- soot[10]
- spruce root[9]
- steatite[4]
- stone[193]
- string[4]
- tooth[7]
- vegetable fiber[4]
- velvet[6]
- wicker[27]
- wood[268]
- wool[129]
- yarn[42]
- yucca[10]
- basketry[49]
- beaded[5]
- beaten[11]
- black glaze[1]
- blanc de chine[4]
- braided[1]
- brocade[2]
- cameo[7]
- carved[32]
- chipped[1]
- coiled[5]
- cut[1]
- dyed[14]
- embroidered[36]
- engraved[17]
- engraving[94]
- filigree[2]
- fired[2]
- flaked[1]
- gilded[2]
- glazed[3]
- ground[2]
- hand painted[94]
- hand woven[1]
- handmade[1]
- high relief[1]
- ikat[9]
- incised[7]
- inlaid[2]
- inscribed[4]
- knitted[1]
- lang yao glaze[1]
- little colorado black-on-white[1]
- machine-made[2]
- mould made[8]
- moulded[1]
- painted[14]
- pierced[2]
- plaited[5]
- polished[2]
- polychrome[1]
- porcelain[1]
- printed[5]
- red ware[3]
- retouched[1]
- rose de barry[2]
- sang de boeuf[2]
- sewn[2]
- spun[8]
- tooled[1]
- twined[4]
- walnut black-on-white[1]
- wheel made[1]
- wicker[3]
- worked[7]
- woven[25]
- a. bovy[1]
- aminta asig cho'[2]
- anita tapia[1]
- barbara francis[2]
- belle ewan[2]
- chief turtle[1]
- chien tong de[2]
- dan bill plume[2]
- daniel dufuix[1]
- david billiot[1]
- djikululu[1]
- dona dorothea cho'[2]
- dumarest[1]
- dupre[1]
- duvivier[4]
- e. gatteau[1]
- eliseo benitez flores[6]
- ella ruth kewanyome[1]
- emma brown[2]
- freddy washington[1]
- gatteaux[3]
- guadalupe de la cruz rios[4]
- jesus cosio[1]
- jeuffroy[1]
- jimmy nequatewa[5]
- jose benitez sanchez[28]
- jutus mekianna[1]
- kate sanford[2]
- lavy[2]
- le man de[6]
- leon coutier[2]
- lilly brison[1]
- louis bottee[1]
- lucinda andrew[1]
- makari chimowitski[11]
- margaret johnson[1]
- maria de la cruz[2]
- martha jackson[2]
- maximino de la cruz[4]
- minnie johnson[3]
- mrs. frank neutime[1]
- mrs. john of mentasta[1]
- oudine[3]
- pata martinez[1]
- pete dube[4]
- rosa gonzales[3]
- tu-ve-nimp-ka[1]
- vauthier[1]
- violet quoitswai-nema[1]
- actual citation[214]
- general reference[23]
- type citation[24]
3265 - 3296 of 3,592 Records

3265 - 3296 of 3,592 Records