Contributor: Simon Martin

Hero Twins of the Americas: Myths of Origin, Duality, and Vengeance
Myths concerning the “hero twins” are widespread from Canada to South America. In the archetypal...
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Great Wonders: Chichen Itza: An Alien City in the Maya Lowlands
Lecture given by Dr. Simon Martin, Associate Curator and Keeper of Collections, American Section. Ev...
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Inside Emblem Glyphs: Tracking Royal Identities at Calakmul & Dzibanche
Recalling the Ancestors: Maya Traditions across Time For ancient and contemporary Maya alike, ances...
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The True Maya Apocalypse
In this 2012 Maya Weekend lecture, Simon Martin discusses the True May Apocalypse. It has taken man...
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The Maya and 2012: Fact, Fantasy, and Phenomenon
The Maya and 2012: Fact, Fantasy, and Phenomenon In recent years there has been a gathering storm o...
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Maya Majesty: Kings and Queens of the Classic Period
Simon Martin, Co-Curator, MAYA 2012: Lords of Time and co-author, Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Qu...
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Great Beasts of Legend: Monsters of the Maya Cosmos
Dr. Simon Martin, Associate Curator, American Section, Penn Museum The Maya universe was populated ...
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Expedition - Piedras Negras
Introducing the Penn Museum's Expedition video series. This digital content is based on an article f...
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