The Assyrian Expedition

Originally Published in 1933

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THE latest report from Mr. Charles Bache, the field director, tells of activity in the southwest corner of the mound at Tell Billa, adjacent to the area from which came the bronze bearing the ancient place-name, Shibaniba (Bulletin, February 1933). The remains of the first levels excavated were very fragmentary and belonged to the post-Assyrian period. They were characterized by a considerable use of stone, including stone paving, as may be seen from Plate III.

In tracing a drain which led into what was at first thought to be a cistern, the latter was disclosed to have a small door opening into a long, narrow chamber with a vaulted roof, and this chamber in turn led into another, vaulted like the first. These had probably been tombs, but they had been thoroughly robbed in antiquity and had been converted into part of the drainage system of the post-Assyrian level.

The expedition has been temporarily concentrating its forces on Tell Billa, but before now work will have been resumed at Tepe Gawra also. It is hoped to complete by the end of the season the excavation of the tenth stratum at Tepe Gawra and of the first Assyrian level in the area being undertaken at Tell Billa.

View of the excavation of a stone courtyard
Plate III — Post-Assyrian Walls and Stone Courtyard at Tell Billa, Iraq

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"The Assyrian Expedition." Museum Bulletin IV, no. 3 (April, 1933): 63-66. Accessed October 22, 2024.

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