A New Collection From Central Europe

Originally Published in 1930

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THE collection of prehistoric objects recently acquired in Bohemia by the Museum contains select series ranging in age from the Neolithic period to the dawn of history.

Bronze Objects: La Tene` and Roman Types from Central Bohemia, including bracelets, earrings, scissors
Plate V — Bronze Objects: La Tene` and Roman Types from Central Bohemia

All the material was found in central Bohemia, namely in the Slany and Kladno countries, and is thoroughly documented. A complete set of notes concerning the finds is in the Museum and it is hoped that the collection will he published in the near future.

Of outstanding importance and interest are the bronze objects from four graves of the Bronze and the Iron Ages, comprising bracelets, earrings, pins, fibulae and a dagger; an iron spear head, shears, knives, fibulae, breast plates and buttons of the La Tene and Roman types [Plate V]; twenty-seven complete pottery vessels representing the Neolithic, Bronze, Iron and Historic periods; a clay loom weight of the Bronze period; and a large number of representative potsherds from the various prehistoric levels.

All the objects in the collection were excavated by specialists and their authenticity was verified by the State Archaeological Institute of Czechoslovakia.

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"A New Collection From Central Europe." Museum Bulletin I, no. 2 (February, 1930): 14-15. Accessed December 13, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/bulletin/156/

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