ACTIVE in the advisory council of the newly-formed Latin-American Institute are E. R. Fenimore Johnson, Percy C. Madeira, Jr., J. Alden Mason, Vincenzo Petrullo, and Linton Satterthwaite, Jr., of the Museum, as well as Professors Frank G. Speck, A. I. Hallowell and D. S. Davidson of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania.
The Institute has been formed, as announced recently in the press, in recognition of the need for organization and coordination of research, and the dissemination of information, in the entire field of Middle and South American ethnology, archaeology, physical anthropology and linguistics.
The development of the Institute’s program will be related in the Memorandum, of which two initial numbers have appeared. Copies may be obtained gratis from the Secretary of the Institute at the University Museum. Membership involves no dues or other obligations.