Pottery from Minturnae

Originally Published in 1935

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A RECENT issue (Volume V, Numbers 4-5) of the Bollettino of the International Mediterranean Research Association was devoted to Campanian pottery from the Museum’s excavations at Minturnae. The extensive dump of a local potter of about 200 B. C. was almost completely excavated during the 1933 campaign and the results published by Miss Agnes K. Lake, now of Bryn Mawr College.

It proved to contain more than a hundred different vase shapes and such other objects of terracotta as lamps, roof tiles, drain pipes, votive offerings, figurines, moulds, writing tablets, and so forth. Most interesting was the recognition newly accorded a hitherto overlooked category of handsome, heavy pottery in buff clay with design in concentric circles of black. The deposit was dated by coins, lamp profiles, and general circumstances of find.

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"Pottery from Minturnae." Museum Bulletin V, no. 6 (April, 1935): 81-81. Accessed October 22, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/bulletin/1607/

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