
Originally Published in 1935

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IN June appeared a double number of the Museum Journal, Volume XXIV, Nos. 2 and 3, entirely given over to Dr. Edgar B. Howard to present his authoritative “Evidence of Early Man in North America,” with abundant illustrative and bibliographical material. Members of the Museum may as usual receive copies free on application; to others the price is $2.

Professor E. A. Speiser’s definitive publication of levels I to VIII of the famous prehistoric mound of Tepe Gawra in northeastern Mesopotamia, excavated by a joint expedition of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University Museum, was issued by the University of Pennsylvania Press in September at $6.

Dr. Jotham Johnson’s publication of the monuments of the Republican Forum at Minturnae, Italy, excavated by a University Museum Expedition under his direction in 1931-32, will appear about November 1st. The price has been set at $7.

Dr. J. Alden Mason has prepared an illuminating article on the Mayas, illustrated by eight pages of plates in full color by H. M. Herget of St. Louis. It will appear in the November issue of the National Geographic Magazine. We normally do not attempt to record in the Bulletin those publications of the staff which appear under other aegides, but this is of such general interest that we wish to recommend it heartily to all Museum Members. Mr. Berget’s original paintings will be on exhibition in the Museum in November.

The second volume of clay tablets from Ur, by Father E. Burrows, has gone to press and will be published in the late autumn. It comprises the archaic tablets found below the Royal Cemetery in 1929-30, together with related tablets from other seasons.

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"Publications." Museum Bulletin VI, no. 1 (October, 1935): 32-33. Accessed July 27, 2024.

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