Tribal Monographs
Evans-Pritchard, E. E., Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic among the Azande, London, 1937.
Herskovits, M. J., Dahomey; an Ancient West African Kingdom, 2 vols., New York, 1938.
Hunter, M., Reaction to Conquest, London, 1936.
Krige, E. J., and J. D., The Realm of a Rain-Queen. A Study of the Pattern of Lovedu Society, London, 1943.
Lindblom, G., The Akamba in British East Africa, Uppsala, 1920.
Mair, L. P., An African People in the Twentieth Century, London, 1934.
Meek, C. K., A Sudanese Kingdom. An Ethnographical Study of the Jukun-speaking Peoples of Nigeria, London, 1931.
Nadel, S. F., A Black Byzantium. The Kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria, London, 1942.
Rattray, R. S., Ashanti, Oxford, 1923.
Schapera, I., The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa, London, 1930.
Smith, E. W., and Dale, A. M., Ila-speaking peoples of Northern Rhodesia, 2 vols., London, 1920.
Tauxier, L., Religion, Moeurs et Coutumes des Agni, Paris, 1932.
General Accounts
Fitzgerald, W., Africa, New York, 1942.
Hambly, W. D., Source Book of African Anthropology, Chicago, 1937.