For those who should like to pursue this subject farther than this short bulletin allows, the following list of publications may serve as a guide:
Angell, N., The Story of Money, London, 1930.
Burns, A. R., Money and Monetary Policy in Early Times, London, 1927.
Del Mar, A., Money and Civilization, London, 1886.
Primitive Peoples
Armstrong, W. E., “A Unique Monetary System,” Economic Journal, Vol. 34, 1924. pp. 423-429.
_________, Rossel Island, An Ethnological Study, Cambridge, 1928.
Herskovits, M. J., The Economic Lile of Primitive Peoples, New York, 1940. pp. 213- 230.
Schurtz, H., Grundriss einer Entstehungsgeschichte des Geldes, Weimar, 1898.
Thurnwald, R., Werden, Wandel und Gestaltung der Wirtschaft, Berlin, 1932. pp. 177-190.
Tueting, L. T. “Native Trade in Southeast New Guinea,” Bernice P. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Vol. XI, No. 15, 1935.