
Originally Published in 1947

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Stone mask of a male face with curled beard and angry expression.
Stone mask from the walls of a Greek theatre. A replica of stylized masks commonly worn in Greek comedy.
Museum Object Number: 32-36-62
Image Number: 26366
A gold repousse mask.
Gold burial mask, Chimu kingdom, Peru.
Museum Object Number: SA2876
Mask from mummy of a woman, cartonnage, gilded & painted.
Cartonnage mask from the mummy case of an Egyptian woman.
Museum Object Number: E17632
Image Number: 31436
Circular mask with protruding painted face with thick unibrow and thin moustache.
Dance mask, Tlingit tribe, Southeastern Alaska.
Museum Object Number: NA6830
Image Number: 21181
Wood dance mask with slits for eyes and mouth; sharp pointed teeth; prominent chin; incised lines (scarification?) on forehead and upper lip; studded with brass-headed nails.
Dance mask, Masongo tribe, Angola, Africa.
Museum Object Number: 29-59-108
Image Number: 21235
Wooden mask of a very thin face.
Hyena mask, Baule tribe, Ivory Coast, Africa.
Wood mask with sharp chin and incised patterns with white paint.
Ceremonial mask, Bushongo tribe, Belgian Congo, Africa.
Museum Object Number: AF1879
Image Number: 21233
Highly finished and life-like figure head of deer with ear pieces accompanying.
Masquette excavated from ancient Indian site at Key Marco, Florida.
Museum Object Numbers: 40707A, 40707B, 40707C
Ceremonial mask, Melanesian people, New Ireland, South Pacific.
Museum Object Numbers: P4565A, P4565B, P4565C, P4565D
Cylindrical with wooden tab ears, with ten ear-pendants; red wool cruller mouth, painted with geometric shapes, basket-ring crown painted turquoise with red and white, fitted with raw cotton and with feather tufts.
Ceremonial mask. Zuni tribe, Pueblo lndians, New Mexico.
Museum Object Number: 22689
Mask made of leopard skin face with beaded ornamentation, plus shells.
Witch doctor’s mask, Bushongo tribe, Belgian Conqo, Africa.
Museum Object Number: AF54
Mask with the mouth open with representation of teeth and fringed all round with hair, and shell inlay eyeballs.
Ceremonial mask, Melanesian people, Sepik River, New Guinea, South Pacific.
Museum Object Numbers: 29-50-651A, 29-50-651B
Image Number: 239
Wooden mask with raffia hanging from around the base of mask; face of mask is of a light tan color with crescent shaped eyes, protruding triangular shaped nose with two nostrils, open mouth with carved teeth, dark brown carved hairline; crescent shaped piece protrudes from center of head; cross hatch pattern incised on rim of hair line; a type of animal is found on the top of head in center.
Ceremonial mask, Bayaka tribe, Belgian Congo, Africa.
Museum Object Number: AF1875
Image Number: 21232
Mask made of skin with fur still attached.
Ceremonial mask, Cherokee tribe, North Carolina.
Museum Object Number: 46-6-3
A wooden mask with skin around the eyes and bridge of the nose, a moustache and goatee and the eybrows are made of skin with brown fur on it.
The Weeping Man, Tlingit tribe, Klukwan, Alaska.
Museum Object Number: NA1242
Carved and painted wood mask with copper eyes and teeth, the tongue protruding.
Ghost mask, Tsimshian tribe, British Columbia, Canada.
Museum Object Number: NA8515
Life-size “mask” made from greenstone, mouth slightly open.
Stone mask, Toltec culture, Mexico.
Museum Object Number: 87-42-422
Oval disc with central seal's face: 3 circular hoops attached by 4 radii, 4 carved and painted flippers and 1 tail flap attached to disc, 2 fish pendant from outer hoop.
Ceremonial mask, Nunivak tribe of Eskimos, Nunivak Island, Alaska.
Museum Object Number: NA6384
Corn husk woven mask with eyebrows of black cloth, mustache and beard of horsehair.
Dance mask, Iroquois tribe, Ontario, Canada.
Museum Object Number: 38532
Image Number: 12981
Wooden mask with a bird biting a snake above the face.
Ceremonial mask, Yoruba tribe, Southern Nigeria, Africa.
Museum Object Number: AF2193
Image Number: 21234a
Cylindrical mask with two paddles as ears and a protruding nose or snout, a ring on top of the head, crescent painted decoration.
Ceremonial mask, Hano tribe, Pueblo Indians, Arizona.
Museum Object Number: 38717
Tall wooden mask with crest made of nine intertwined cobras, mask mouth open and bearing sharp teeth.
Ceremonial mask, Singalese people, Ceylon, India.
Two wooden masks with snub noses, furrowed brows, and barred teeth.
Theatrical masks, Japan.
Museum Object Numbers: 19866 / 19856
Image Number: 22329

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"Masks." Museum Bulletin XIII, no. 1 (November, 1947): 5-29. Accessed February 10, 2025.

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