An Air Survey in Central America

Originally Published in 1930

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TO enlarge upon and supplement the archaeological investigations by air pursued last autumn by Colonel Lindbergh and members of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, the Museum has been able to sponsor in its own behalf a second aeroplane survey of Yucatan and Guatemala. This project should be in progress by the time this number of the Bulletin is issued, and its results will be described in detail in the next issue. It can be indicated at the present time, however, that the plans of the Survey include an itinerary which, though it corresponds in a few instances with the course followed by Colonel Lindbergh, nevertheless attempts to cover areas untouched in the previous aeroplane examination of this archaeologically important terrain, including two areas which are relatively unknown as to existing ruins: the first, that stretch of land directly to the south of a line drawn from Campeche to Cozumel Island; the second, the area of northeastern Guatemala, westward and slightly south of Belizi. At the close of the actual air survey, a fortnight or more will be occupied in examining the most accessible of the sites that may be discovered in the course of flying.

The project has been organized by Mr. Percy C. Madeira, Jr. and will be largely supported through his generosity; he will accompany the party and act in the capacity of Director. Mr. Gregory Mason will be Field Leader, Dr. J. Alden Mason, Curator of the American Section, will be present in his official capacity, and services of the necessary photographers and observers have been arranged for. Through the cooperation of the Pan-American Airways the best means of air transportation has been obtained.

It is expected that the survey will not only reveal much new information regarding unknown sites in Middle America, but will serve to demonstrate further the great value of the aeroplane to archaeological research.

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"An Air Survey in Central America." Museum Bulletin II, no. 2 (December, 1930): 51-54. Accessed October 22, 2024.

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