A Curator for the Egyptian Section

Originally Published in 1931

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IT is with pleasure that the Board of Managers is able to announce the appointment of Battiscombe Gunn, Esq., as Curator of the Egyptian Section of the Museum.

A scholar of Egyptian linguistics, distinguished for his various publications in this field, Mr. Gunn has been from 1928 until now Assistant Curator of the Cairo Museum. He has been particularly concerned with the recent rearrangements, with editing the handbooks, and with the particular study of certain objects. Previous to this connection, Mr. Gunn engaged in fieldwork at Sakkara and Tell el Amarna, thus becoming equipped with knowledge of excavating as well as museum management.

It is a satisfaction that the Egyptian Section, long without a curator, is now to be in charge of so competent a person. It is expected confidently that the section will respond to his fresh ideas of arrangement and that with the objects to be received from the Eckley B. Coxe Expedition it will increase in interest and educational value to the students and to the public.

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"A Curator for the Egyptian Section." Museum Bulletin III, no. 1 (November, 1931): 17-18. Accessed October 22, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/bulletin/823/

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