Excavations at Piedras Negras

Originally Published in 1932

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DR. MASON’S first report from Piedras Negras comes just as we go to press and contains news of considerable interest. Although the site was found to be entirely overgrown with soft high vegetation, which had sprung up in the period of less than a year since the expedition departed last June, no time was lost in making progress which augurs well for a successful season.

Work has been resumed upon the pyramid where last year was found the notable stone lintel which is now in the Museum, and upon another pyramid where another lintel was found last year. Two buried temples at successive lower levels have been found under the latter pyramid, but the nature of these is still to be determined.

A find of particular importance in view of its relation with the lintel now in the Museum has been made on the so-called ‘Acropolis.’ At the rear of a court which is at a higher level than the West Plaza, from which it is separated by a structure, is a long and fine megalithic stairway at the top of which is a colonnaded structure with a high back wall against the hill and pilasters in front. At the back formerly stood an altar or throne with a back-piece of beautifully carved stone. The resemblance to the throne with its background which is depicted on the lintel in the Museum is so close that there can be practically no doubt that the ceremony there portrayed was an actual ceremony performed at Piedras Negras upon a very similar throne if not upon this very one.

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"Excavations at Piedras Negras." Museum Bulletin III, no. 6 (April, 1932): 178-179. Accessed October 22, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/bulletin/984/

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