African Section

Vol. II / No. 5

By: H. U. H.

A Batetela Image

THE wooden figurine of Plate VII, representing a seated female, was once the property of a medicine-man of the Sankuru […]

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Vol. II / No. 4

By: H. U. H.

A Bushman Collection

THE Museum has received, through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Rodolphe M. de Schauensee, a valuable collection of objects […]

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Vol. II / No. 2

Two New West African Sculptures

AMONG the most prolific of negro sculptors are the people living in the countries on the lower course of the […]

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Vol. I / No. 4

An Ivory Coast Door

PLATE VIII shows an important new addition to the African collections. It is an excellent example of West African wood […]

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Vol. I / No. 2

A Baule Mask in the Museum Collections

THE dry-point engraving by Mrs. Beatrice Levy of Chicago which is reproduced as the frontispiece represents one of the Ivory […]

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Vol. I / No. 1

Two New Collections of African Art

IN the spring the Museum secured a large and important collection of over two hundred masks and wooden statuettes from […]

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