Museum Notes

Originally Published in 1924

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A Chinese painting, Sung Dynasty.
A bronze Chinese inkstand, Ming Dynasty.
Eight Chinese terracotta tomb figures, T’ang Dynasty.
A Chinese inscribed stela, Tang Dynasty.
Five pieces of a Chinese stone frieze with figures in relief.
A Graeco Buddhist head.
A fragment of a Graeco Buddhist frieze.
An Egyptian memorial tablet of granite, Early Arabic.
A large Persian plate of lustre ware.
A glazed pottery jar from Palestine, Roman Period.
An Egyptian head of a royal statue, Ptolemaic Period.
A group of eleven bronze statuettes of Egyptian divinities, Ptolemaic Period.
A bronze statuette of Akh en Aten.
An Egyptian bronze hawk.
An Egyptian mummy case.
Eight specimens of American Indian handiwork.


From Mrs. T. de Witt Cuyler, a Chinese pottery horse, Tang Dynasty.
From Mrs. Edward Bok, twenty six American Indian baskets and two Southwestern Indian pottery vessels.
From Mr. Arthur L. Church, a group of Peruvian ethnological specimens collected on the Madeira River.
From Miss Elizabeth Dunbar, a votive offering of baked clay from Cashmere.
From Mr. Walter C. Wyman, fifteen South American gold ornaments from Colombia.


The Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the University Museum to Mesopotamia concluded its last season’s
work at the end of February when the members of the Expedition returned to their homes for the summer. Arrangements have been made to resume work at Ur of the Chaldees on the 1st of November. The personnel of the Expedition during the coming year will consist of Mr. C. Leonard Woolley, Director; Dr. Leon Legrain, Curator of the Babylonian Section of the University Museum, cuneiformist, and Mr. J. Linnell. Dr. Legrain left Philadelphia on September 17th to proceed to Mesopotamia. He will join Mr. Woolley and the other members of the party at Baghdad towards the end of October. Actual work at Ur will begin on November 1st.


The new wing of the building which was begun in January, 1923, was completed during the summer. The collections acquired by the excavations in Egypt, Palestine and Meso-potamia are undergoing preparation for their installation in the new exhibition room.

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"Museum Notes." The Museum Journal XV, no. 3 (September, 1924): 228-230. Accessed February 19, 2025.

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