Asian Section

Vol. XX / No. 2

By: Helen E. Fernald

Two Sections of Chinese Fresco Newly Acquired: Belonging to the Great Kuan Yin Wall

TWO more portions of the huge wall painting from Yüeh Shan Ssŭ, near Ch’ing Hua Chen, have recently been acquired […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 4

By: Helen E Fernald

Ladies of the Court: An Early Chinese Scroll Painting

THE MUSEUM has possessed for some years a Chinese scroll painting which professes to be by the hand of the […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 3

By: Helen E. Fernald

The T. Broom Belfield Collection of Japanese Netsuké

FOR flights of pure fun and fancy there is no field of art more prolific than that of the Japanese […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: Helen E. Fernald

Another Fresco from Moon Hill Monastery

JUST north of the Yellow River and crossing nearly at right angles the main trunk line from Peking to Hankow […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 1

By: Helen E. Fernald

The George Byron Gordon Memorial Collection

MR. ELDRIDGE R. JOHNSON has recently presented to the Museum in memory of Dr. George Byron Gordon, its late Director, […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 3

By: Helen E. Fernald

A Chinese Buddhistic Statue in Dry Lacquer

ONE of the most striking objects in the Chinese collections of the Museum is the strange statue of a Buddha, […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: Helen E. Fernald

Two Colossal Stone Chimeras from a Chinese Tomb

A FEW years ago the attention of archaeologists was called to the remains of an old cemetery about six miles […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 1

By: Helen E. Fernald

A Note on the Chinese Stela of 551 A.D.

THIS stela was published in the MUSEUM JOURNAL for March, 1923. At that time the scene represented in relief in […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 4

By: Helen E. Fernald

Ancient Chinese Musical Instruments: As Depicted On Some Of The Early Monuments In The Museum

Illustrations by the Author* Among the Chinese collections of the University Museum there are a number of figures representing musicians […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 3

By: Helen E. Fernald

Chinese Frescoes Of The T’ang Dynasty In The Museum: 618-906 A. D.

The Museum has recently acquired three colossal Chinese frescoes which, we may state without exaggeration, are among the most important […]

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