Asian Section

Vol. IX / No. 2

By: C. W. Bishop

Two Chinese Bronze Vessels

The Museum has recently acquired through the generosity of a patron two antique bronze vessels of such rarity and importance […]

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Vol. VIII / No. 3

The Chinese Expedition

As announced in the last issue of THE MUSEUM JOURNAL, Mr. Carl W. Bishop, leader of the Museum’s Chinese Expedition, […]

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Vol. VII / No. 4

By: C. W. B.

Two Early Chinese Buddhist Sculptures

Few examples of early Chinese sculpture are more widely known than are the two Buddhist pedestals recently acquired by the […]

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Vol. VII / No. 3

By: C. W. B.

Notes on Chinese Statuary

It would perhaps be too much to say that but for the Buddhist faith there would have been no art […]

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Vol. VII / No. 3

By: A. H. Sayce

Oriental Art in the University Museum

The University Museum has on exhibition a collection representing the art of the Far East, which, though not as large […]

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Vol. VII / No. 2

By: C. W. B

The Expedition to the Far East

In planning the University Museum’s Eastern Asiatic Expedition, or, more properly speaking, reconnaissance, it was considered desirable to study the […]

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Vol. VII / No. 1

An Exhibition of Oriental Art

The three months beginning November 1, 1915,were occupied by the installation of the Exhibition of Oriental Art that had been […]

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Vol. V / No. 4

By: C. W. B.

A Masamune Blade

Among the recent acquisitions of the Museum is a sword which there is good reason to believe was forged by […]

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Vol. V / No. 4

By: C. W. B.

Tibetan Sacred Art

Illustrated By Two Tibetan Paintings In The Museum. There appears at first sight. little by which to distinguish the sacred […]

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Vol. V / No. 3

By: C. W. B.

Two Sculptured Chinese Heads

The lately acquired stone heads of Buddha and Kuan-yin, dating, as they do, from a time when Chinese sculpture was […]

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