Museum Notes

For the Last Quarter of 1924

Originally Published in 1924

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A pair of Chinese stone lions found at Chen Chou, Horan Province.
The head of a statue of the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut in black diorite, seven inches high.
A copy of a part of the Koran made in Persia in the 15th century.
An illuminated prayer book of the 14th century.
A section of a fine Persian mosque carpet of the 16th century.
An embroidered coat from Burma.
A stone sacrificial bowl from Ancient Mexico in the form of a puma.
A painted and quilled buffalo robe from one of the Plains Tribes of North American Indians. The paintings represent battle scenes and the workmanship is particularly fine and well preserved.
A group of African carved figures from the Southern Congo.
A group of ethnological specimens from the Guinea Coast.


From Mr. Morris Wood and Mrs. Logan MacCoy, two Syrian jars, three Roman lamps, one Japanese musical instrument, a Japanese scroll, two Japanese fans, four Japanese textiles, two pairs of leggins, two pairs of mocassins, one knife sheath, one beaded bag and one club of the North American Indians.
From Mrs. Charles Platt, Jr., one Chinese pottery bowl, Sung Dynasty.
From Mrs. Hampton L. Carson, two pottery jars from the Argentine Republic and one pottery jar from Morocco.


The joint Expedition of the British Museum and the University Museum at Ur began work on November 1st. A report has been received under date of November 30th which records progress in the area between the Ziggurat and the northwest wall of the temenos. The main purpose of this excavation is to determine the architecture and use of the buildings in this area. It is also hoped that articles of special archaeological or historical interest may be found and that inscriptions may come to light that will serve to fix dates.

A second excavation is being conducted immediately adjoin-ing the Temple of E-Nun-Mah on the southwest. In this locality a very interesting building has begun to come to light, but it is too soon to attempt to decide what its purpose may have been.

One of the interesting articles that has been found is an ivory cup with a row of dancing girls in the Egyptian style, carved in relief. Other articles found are inscribed gate sockets, a portion of an inscribed statue, a number of inscribed tablets and a remarkable figure of a coiled snake which had been used as a door socket.

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"Museum Notes." The Museum Journal XV, no. 4 (December, 1924): 322-324. Accessed February 19, 2025.

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