Museum Notes

Originally Published in 1925

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By Gift.
From Miss Lily Place, the Museum has received as a gift 11 Chinese embroideries, 2 pieces of Batik work from Java and 2 Arabic inlaid boxes.
From Mrs. James Harris Knowles and Mrs. Mary Lloyd Serril, a brick from the Chinese wall.
From Mr. K. Z. Tung, two pieces of Chinese embroideries.
From Mr. Alfred M. Collins, the Museum has received an extensive collection from Central Africa, obtained by him during his recent expedition into that region.
From Mr. John L. Cox, a collection of Eskimo string figures.
From Mr. A. J. B. Wace, a collection of potsherds from Thessaly.
From Miss Caroline Sinkler, three albums of Egyptian photographs.
From Mrs. Kingsmill Marrs, a collection of Egyptian photographs.
From Mrs. A. M. Hexamer, a collection of photographs of the Near East.
From Mrs. A. Eugene Benners, Jr., a copy of Racinet’s L’Ornement and Calvert’s Moorish Remains in Spain.

By Purchase.
The following accessions to the Museum collections have been made by purchase since the last number of the JOURNAL went to press.
An Old Empire Egyptian statue from Sakkara.
A head of a statue found at Sakkara.
A bronze statuette of the goddess Neith.
9 pieces of Chinese sculpture of the Tang Dynasty.
5 Chinese frescoes of the Tang Dynasty, found in Honan Province.
An Arabic bronze vase inlaid with silver.
A ceiling panel from the 16th century Palace of Haft Dast at Isfahan.
2 Lekythoi found at Eretria on the island of Euboea, Greece, in February, 1893.
A Tanagra figurine found on the island of Euboea, Greece.
2 Inca gold vessels.
An Aztec stone head.
A Huron Indian woven sash.
An ivory carving from Ancient Benin.
A collection of 55 ethnological specimens from West Africa.


At the meeting of the Board of Managers held April 17, Mr. John C. Bell was elected to take the place of Mr. Sabin W. Colton, Jr.


Miss Helen E. Fernald, formerly Head Docent in the Department of Education, has been transferred to the post of Assistant Curator in the Section of Far Eastern Art. Mrs. Loring Dam, formerly Assistant Docent in the Department of Education, has been appointed to the head of that Department.

Mr. Alan Rowe, recently a member of the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition to Egypt, and Acting Director of that Expedition in the absence of Dr. Reisner, has been appointed Field Director of the Museum’s Expedition to Palestine and resumed excavations at Beisan on the first of September. Mr. Rowe was formerly a member of the Museum’s Expedition to Egypt and also a member of its Expedition to Palestine.


Dr. Clarence S. Fisher resigned the position of Curator of the Egyptian Section in January and Dr. Nathaniel Reich has given up his position as an assistant in that Section in order to accept the appointment of head professor of Egyptian and Hebrew at Dropsie College.


The Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the University Museum brought to a close the work at Ur for the season 1924-25 at the end of March and Dr. Leon Legrain returned to the Museum on June 17, having spent the winter at Ur, engaged upon the work of the Expedition. The collections assembled during the season 1924-25 were prepared for
exhibition first in the British Museum and afterwards in the University Museum, where they will arrive late in the autumn. The Expedition expects to resume operations at Ur on the first of November.


The collections of Chinese art in Charles Custis Harrison Hall were entirely rearranged in the spring of this year and a number of new pieces added. The result was a new exhibition of Chinese art and a number of guests were invited to a private view on May 22. The following day the exhibition was opened to the public and remains a permanent feature of the Museum.


A portfolio containing 25 plates, mostly in colour, and showing selected examples of Maya painted and modelled pot-tery, was issued during the summer. This work, when com-pleted, will contain 100 plates, including the examples of painted Maya vases in the University Museum together with those in the other Museums of America and Europe. It will form a comprehensive collection and contain a thorough treatment of the Art pottery of the Mayas.

An important publication on the Culture of the Babylonians consisting of a volume of text and a volume of plates by Dr. Leon Legrain has been issued during the summer. The volume of text is now ready for distribution and the plates will be ready in the course of a few months.


The architects have been instructed to prepare finished drawings for the Fourth Section of the Museum building, to occupy the ground immediately to the eastward of the sections already built.

Cite This Article

"Museum Notes." The Museum Journal XVI, no. 3 (September, 1925): 205-208. Accessed February 07, 2025.

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