Museum Notes

Originally Published in 1924

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A Greek marble head representing Ariadne, III or IV Century B. c., bought through the generosity of Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson.
Three mediaeval Hindu sculptures.
Four fragments of fresco from Turfan.
Two Graeco Buddhist heads.
A Chinese wooden statue of Kwanyin.
A Chinese pottery horse of the Tang Dynasty.
A Chinese pottery camel of the Tang Dynasty.
Sixty-six African wood carvings.
Three Indian blankets.
One Indian saddle.


Mr. H. U. Hall has been promoted from Assistant Curator to Curator of the Section of General Ethnology. He has also been appointed to the position of Acting Curator of the American Section owing to the continued illness of Dr. Farabee.

Mr. Irwin L. Gordon has been appointed to the post of Publicity Director for the University Museum.

The University of Pennsylvania conferred the degree of Doctor of Science upon Clarence S. Fisher, Curator of the Egyptian Section of the Museum, at the University Day exercises at the Academy of Music on Washington’s Birthday.

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"Museum Notes." The Museum Journal XV, no. 1 (March, 1924): 81-84. Accessed October 22, 2024.

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