A George Leib Harrison Fellowship For The Museum

Originally Published in 1925

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The President has devised that a George Leib Harrison Fellowship shall be awarded by the Museum to a student in archaeology who shall have prepared himself for advanced studies and who shall have otherwise proved himself adapted to the work. The successful candidate will be expected to spend at least a part of the year in studies abroad, and it will be provided that he shall at times be attached to one or another of the Expeditions in Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt. In the creation of this Fellowship an unusual opportunity is offered to young men of ambition, capable of pursuing a course that may open for them the way to a career in one of the most humanly attractive of scientific professions.

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"A George Leib Harrison Fellowship For The Museum." The Museum Journal XVI, no. 3 (September, 1925): 204-204. Accessed February 10, 2025. https://www.penn.museum/sites/journal/1354/

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