Mr. Henry H. Bonnell

Originally Published in 1926

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By the death of Mr. Henry H. Bonnell, which took place on November seventh, the Museum loses a devoted friend who was ever ready to advance its interests by his counsel and by his benefactions. Mr. Bonnell was graduated in the Class of 1880 from the University of Pennsylvania. For some years he was connected with the publishing house of Dodd, Mead & Co. of New York, but had long since retired from business, devoting himself quietly to the public service. He was elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania in 1913. In that position of responsibility, from the time of his election until the date of his death, he was one of the most faithful and punctual in the performance of his duties. His generosity to the Museum and to the many other good causes in which he was interested will be well remembered by all of his former associates. His fine character and gentle nature, often the subjects of remark during his life, make his memory a peculiarly happy one.

Mr. Bonnell was widely travelled and a great reader. One of his chief interests was the collecting of books, for which he had a special talent and in which he exercised taste and judgment. As an author he has a permanent place in literature by virtue of his studies of the works of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot and Jane Austen, and he will also be remembered by his metrical and lyrical compositions.

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"Mr. Henry H. Bonnell." The Museum Journal XVII, no. 4 (December, 1926): 433-433. Accessed February 16, 2025.

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