Mr. Seager in Crete

Mediterranean Section

By: G.B.G.

Originally Published in 1910

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Mr. Richard B. Seager continued his excavations in Crete during the late winter and spring and has been successful in locating the cemetery of Gourna, the Mycenaean town cleared by Mrs. Harriet Boyd Hawes in 1904. The excavation of this cemetery has occupied Mr. Seager during the season just closed. It dates mainly from the third Middle Minoan period (2500-1800 B. C.) and the first Late Minoan (1800-1600 B. C.). The bodies were placed in large terra cotta jars, of which more than 150 were exhumed. The bones were very well preserved, and hence from the standpoint of physical anthropology this is one of the most important excavations ever made in Crete, since the skulls found at other sites are few and in bad condition. Some of the jars are painted, but the style of decoration cannot yet be described, since they have not been cleaned and examined. These are the first burials dating from the first Late Minoan period that have come to light in Crete, and Mr. Seager’s discovery is therefore of special interest to students of Cretan archaeology.


G. B. G.

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G.B.G.,. "Mr. Seager in Crete." The Museum Journal I, no. 1 (June, 1910): 7-7. Accessed February 14, 2025.

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