A Red-Figured Kylix

Graeco-Roman Section

By: E. H. H.

Originally Published in 1913

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Among the objects which have been cleaned during the summer of 1913 and from which modern restorations have been removed is the red-figured kylix shown in Fig. 140, decorated with a picture of a boy about to sacrifice a pig. Attention has already been called to this example of Greek vase-painting. The removal of restorations has, however, altered the appearance of the drawing on the inner surface. For this reason a photograph of the kylix in its present condition is reproduced in the JOURNAL. It will be seen from this photograph that the remaining lines of the ceremonial object held in the boy’s left hand now suggest those of the usual three-pointed device of unknown purpose so frequently found on Greek vases portraying scenes of sacrifice. Examples of this object from other vases are shown in Fig. 141 for purposes of comparison. A special study of these objects of ritual is shortly to be published by the writer.

E. H. H.

A red figured kylix with several pieces missing showing a boy holding a pig in one hand and a basket in the other
Fig. 140.—Red-figured kylix in the Museum.
Museum Object Number: MS2448
Image Number: 2867
A drawing of twelve objects in various crown shapes depicted on pottery in museums throughout the world
Fig. 141.—Ceremonial objects of unknown purpose like that shown in in Fig. 140. A. From a red-figured kylix in the British Museum. B. From a black-figured lekythos in the British Museum. C. From a red-figured lekythos in the British Museum. D, From a red-figured pelike in Athens. E, From a black-figured lekythos in Athens. F, From a red-figured hydria in Munich. G, From a red-figured amphora in Palermo. H, From a black-figured amphora in Berlin. I, From a red-figured lekythos in Oxford. J, From a red-figured amphora in the British Museum. K, From a red-figured kylix in Berlin. L, From a red-figured stammos in Oxford.

Cite This Article

H., E. H.. "A Red-Figured Kylix." The Museum Journal IV, no. 4 (December, 1913): 162-163. Accessed February 11, 2025. https://www.penn.museum/sites/journal/300/

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