Museum Notes

Originally Published in 1929

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At the April meeting of the Board of Managers Mr. Charles Day, Mr. Eli Kirk Price, Mr. John Frederick Lewis and Mr. Joseph E. Widener were elected Managers of the Museum.

At the same meeting Mr. Edgar B. Howard was appointed Associate in American Archæology and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Austin Waters, Field Representatives in Central Asia.

Mr. Paul Beidler, of the School of the Fine Arts, has been appointed architect on the Museum’s Egyptian Expedition and will join Mr. Rowe at Medum in the early fall.


The announcement is made in this number of the JOURNAL of the Museum’s plan to resume archæological work in Egypt during the coming autumn under the direction of Mr. Alan Rowe, who for the past four years has been leader of our expedition at Beisan, where work will be temporarily suspended. The Museum’s Palestinian excavations have yielded rich material for the early history of that country and their success has been attested to in a gratifying manner in the following abstract taken from the April number of the Quarterly Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund.

“We are indebted to Mr. Alan Rowe, the Director of the excavations at Beth-shan, for placing at the disposal of the Fund one of the most remarkable and valuable contributions to the religion and archæology of Ancient Palestine that have been made for many years. The American excavations have been conspicuously successful and illuminating. They have been of a sort the value and interest of which could be immediately seen. Not all excavations have had so much that is both spectacular and important to show; some—like those conducted by the Fund of Ophel, for example—produce solid and objective results that are less impressive to the ordinary eye. We con¬gratulate the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania both upon the work they have achieved, and upon the generous and public-spirited manner in which they have made the results of their excavations so quickly and so widely accessible.”

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"Museum Notes." The Museum Journal XX, no. 2 (June, 1929): 203-203. Accessed February 14, 2025.

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