
Originally Published in 1929

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Beginning with Volume XXI, an alteration will be made in the scope of the Museum Journal. Hitherto, an effort has been made to combine in these pages the popular and the purely scientific. With the feeling that the latter aim has generally been sacrificed to the former, the editor has now determined in addition to the Journal, to issue The University Museum Bulletin, published monthly from November to May, which will include short accounts of the current excavations, descriptions of recent acquisitions to the collections, and the activities of the Museum that are of general interest.

The Museum Journal will henceforward contain only articles of definite scientific importance. It will be issued, as before, four times a year, but it should be noted that each subsequent part will contain articles dealing only with a single field of investigation, such as Babylonian or Egyptian, or North American Archaeology, or Chinese, African, Mayan or Polynesian Art, so that in each issue there will be a concentration of interest that will, it is believed, heighten its particular appeal.

Subscription to the eight issues of the Bulletin will be two dollars. The subscription to the quarterly Museum Journal will remain the same per annum, that is, three dollars, but the privilege is extended to those whose interest centres about a particular field to subscribe to four parts for the same sum of money, treating of their particular field as these appear; while it is not guaranteed that these will appear regularly or in sequence, it will be a definite endeavour to have the various fields duly represented. The Journal will be sent only to those of higher membership in the Museum; the Bulletin will, however, be sent to all members of the Museum, and, it is hoped, a fuller appreciation of the scope and activities of the Museum will thus be established.

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"Announcement." The Museum Journal XX, no. 3-4 (September, 1929): 209-209. Accessed February 09, 2025.

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