List of Plates

Originally Published in 1933

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Plates XXVI to XLVI accompany the article on the Excavations at Ur; the italic number under each plate number indicates the page on which, or facing which, that plate will be found. Plates XLVII to LXXII accompany the article on the Pottery of Tell Billa and will all be found in succession at the end of that article.

  1. 192 The Third Dynasty Remains in the Siggurat at Ur.
  2. 195 Contour Map of the Site of Ur.
  3. 196

    1. The Dungi Mausoleum: outer face of southwest wall.
    2. Grave PG/1848: The shaft in course of construction.
  4. 198

    1. The Dungi Mausoleum: south corner.
    2. Grave PG/1848: diagrammatic section, showing successive floor levels, altars, and so forth.
  5. 200

    1. Personal Jewellry from Grave PG/1850, Burial 9.
    2. Impression from Mohenjo-Daro Seal of grey steatite: Grave PG/1848.
    3. One of Five Copper Bulls’ Heads, found in wall foundations above PG/1850.
  6. 208

    1. Grave PG/1848: The ‘table’ and model boat in position below the enclosure wall.
    2. Grave PG/1848: The reed coffin.
  7. 219

    1. Copper Foundation Cylinders of Nur-Adad.
    2. Copper Foundation Cylinders in position in their brick box.
  8. 221 The Fortress of Warad-Sin on the northwest Ziggurat Terrace.
  9. 222

    1. Warad-Sin’s Fort: The gateway recess with free columns.
    2. Warad-Sin’s Fort: The east corner, showing decorated wall face and two dedication cones in position.
  10. 224 The Ziggurat Northwest Terrace: ‘Archaic I.’
  11. 226

    1. ‘Archaic I’: The stone foundations of the First Dynasty wall.
    2. The Oldest Ziggurat Terraces.
  12. 228
    1. -3. Calcite Figures from the First Dynasty Building.
  13. 229 The Ziggurat Northwest Terrace: ‘Archaic II.’
  14. 230

    1. ‘Archaics I and II’: Courtyard walls and mosaic cones below the foundations.
    2. Earliest Floor Levels of the Ziggurat Terraces.
  15. 234 N. C. F. and X. N. C. F. Sites: Level 2 Bis.
  16. 238

    1. The Neo-Babylonian Chapels (Site N. C. F.) : Pavement
      of Level II.
    2. Site N. C. F.: Pavement of Level II removed to outer walls and Pavement of Level III.
  17. 240

    1. Granite Stela of Ur-Nina, from a squeeze.
    2. Steatite Gaming Board.
  18. 242 N. C. F. and X. N. C. F. Sites: Level IV.
  19. 244

    1. Site N. C. F., Level IV: Warad-Sin’s terrace front; Kuri-Galzu’s revetment; magazine buildings of Kuri-Galzu.
    2. Site N. C. F., Level IV: Kuri-Galzu’s magazine building—the corridor looking southwest.
  20. 245

    1. Limestone Head of Kassite Date.
    2. Examples of Seal Impressions from the Persian Collection.
  21. 247 Steatite Bowl.
  22. Contour map of the site of Tell Billa.
  23. Stratum 7. Chalices.
  24. Stratum 7. Miscellaneous.
  25. Stratum 6. Chalices.
  26. Stratum 6. Bowls and Saucers.
  27. Stratum 6. Cups and Jar.
  28. Stratum 6. Jars and Chalice.
  29. Stratum 5. Cups and Pots.
  30. Stratum 5. Jars.
  31. Stratum 4. Bowls and Saucers.
  32. Stratum 4. Cups and Jars.
  33. Stratum 4. Tomb 42: Pottery.
  34. Stratum 4. Tombs 48 and 61: Pottery.
  35. Stratum 3. Cups and. Bowls.
  36. Stratum 3. Footed Goblets.
  37. Stratum 3. Miscellaneous.
  38. Stratum 3. Painted Censer.
  39. Stratum 3. Painted Designs.
  40. Stratum 2. Miscellaneous.
  41. Stratum 1. Miscellaneous.
  42. Post-Assyrian. Miscellaneous.
  43. Post-Assyrian. Amphorae and Jugs.
  44. Stratum 7. Painted Potsherds.
  45. Stratum 6. Incised Potsherds.
  46. Stratum 6. Incised Potsherds.
  47. Stratum 4. Painted Potsherds.

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"List of Plates." The Museum Journal XXIII, no. 3 (September, 1933): 189-191. Accessed January 22, 2025.

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