We record with very deep regret the death of MRS. LUCY WHARTON DREXEL which took place suddenly on January 25th. MRS. DREXEL, who has been known for many years in New York as well as in Philadelphia for her public benefactions, has been intimately associated with the University Museum throughout its entire history. When it was first planned, MRS. DREXEL was one of the small group who were interested in the movement and who enabled these plans to be realized. She was a member of the first Board of Managers and has served on many of its committees. Her wide interest in matters of art and her great sympathy with all measures providing for the advancement of the arts and the liberal education of the public enabled her to render services of the greatest moment to the Museum. Always true to her ideals and sensible of the highest interests of the community, her benefactions were marked by rare discrimination. The DREXEL collection of Greek and Roman marbles, her gift to the University Museum, if they were placed in any Museum in the world would be considered a notable feature of its collections. The series of fans which bears her name is one of the best in the country. It is through these collections that MRS. DREXEL’S name is best known in Museum affairs, but her other benefactions to the institution have been no less liberal.
In all its undertakings the Museum has had in MRS. DREXEL a wise and good friend and a generous benefactor. The loss which has been sustained in her death is keenly felt and deeply deplored.