
Originally Published in 1916

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The following gifts have been received since the last JOURNAL went to press.

From Miss Lydia T. Morris, a collection of Roman glass, a collection of coins, an Alaskan ethnological collection, a series of Japanese lacquer shrines, a series of ancient locks and various ethnological specimens.
From Mr. John W. Patten, a Persian copper bowl.
From Miss Ella McCord, a Chinese carved tortoise-shell bowl. From Col. Richard M. Blatchford, through Mr. George Ross Green, a collection of Indian baskets.
From Dr. J. L. Forwood, in the name of General William H. Forwood, a Crow Indian bow and arrows and a pair of snowshoes.
From Miss Frances P. Lex, ten specimens of Indian beadwork.
From Mrs. William H. Miller, a collection of ancient Peruvian pottery, Tennessee pottery, pottery from the eastern section of the United States, a number of South Sea Island weapons and other ethnological material.
From Dr. John C. Ferguson, a catalogue of Chinese paintings prepared by Dr. Ferguson and describing paintings formerly in his collection and now in the Museum.

The following purchases have been made since the last JOURNAL
went to press.

A collection of Chiriqui pottery.
A large Eskimo collection from northern Alaska.
A collection of Tlinkit rattles and other ancient Tlinkit
carvings and a miscellaneous American ethnological collection.
A Greek marble torso. This acquisition is described by Dr. Luce in another part of the JOURNAL.

The gift which the Museum has just received from Miss Lydia T. Morris is one of the most important which the Museum has received in many years. The collection of Roman glass, which is large and comprehensive, enables the Museum to exhibit in a very striking way the variety and beauty attained by the Roman glass industry. The collection of coins is especially rich in Greek and Roman coins and in coins of the Holy Roman Empire. The Alaskan collection, which was obtained from the Indians many years ago, is of a kind that is no longer procurable.

Each of these collections is to be known as The John Thompson Morris Collection, in memory of Mr. Morris, who, in association with his sister, Miss Lydia T. Morris, the donor, formed these collections during many years.

A detailed description of The John Thompson Morris Collections will be given in a later number of the JOURNAL.

Mr. Carl W. Bishop returned to the Museum on May 15th after fourteen months’ absence in Japan and China. Mr. Bishop’s personal narrative is to be found in this JOURNAL.

The colored photographs in this JOURNAL, illustrating Mr. Bishop’s trip in China, have been prepared from photographs made by Dr. Edgar Thomson Shields, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, who, for the past seven years, has devoted himself to medical missionary work in the Province of Szech’uan in West China. The photographs were colored by Miss Marion K. Zane of Philadelphia.

Dr. William Curtis Farabee returned on the 15th of June after three years spent in exploration of the Amazon wilderness. Dr. Farabee has brought with him the bulk of his collections, having already from time to time, as opportunity offered, sent various shipments to the Museum.

The Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., Expedition to Egypt, after a successful campaign at Dendereh, where a cemetery was excavated extend¬ing from the earliest dynasties to Roman times, has moved to Memphis to continue the excavation of the Palace of Merneptah which was begun last season.

Mr. Louis V. Shotridge is continuing his work of collecting myths and other data relative to the customs and habits of his own people, the Chilkats, in southeastern Alaska.

Provision has been made for a continuation of the archæological work in New Jersey which was begun last summer. Dr. E. W. Hawkes will conduct excavations on sites which have already been located.

Mr. Robert Burkitt is engaged on behalf of the Museum in collecting data relative to the history and traditions of the Kekchi Indians and the other tribes of northern Guatemala. Mr. Burkitt has already sent valuable notes pertaining to the mythology and ancient traditions of this branch of the Maya stock.

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"Notes." The Museum Journal VII, no. 2 (June, 1916): 134-136. Accessed February 07, 2025.

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