
Originally Published in 1916

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The firm of Lai-Yuan & Co. (Mr. C. T. Loo) has presented to the Museum the original base of the pottery statue of a Lo-han which the Museum purchased in 1914. In the accidents attending its discovery, transportation and removal from China, the statue somehow became separated from its base. It is a piece of good fortune that this should be recovered and restored to the Lo-han, which now presents its original appearance in proper proportions.

Miss Anna Warren Ingersoll has presented a series of wooden carvings of rare design exhibiting much skill of execution, from the Indians of Dutch Guiana.

Mrs. Edward Russell Jones has presented two specimens illustrating the arts and crafts of the Malay Archipelago.

Col. R. M. Blatchford of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, has presented a group of eight Navajo blankets. These blankets, which were collected by Colonel Blatchford during many years of service among the Indians, are first-rate examples and in some instances are of great rarity.

The following is a record of the objects acquired by purchase during the last quarter of the year.

Ten Chinese porcelains of the Ming Dynasty.
Seven pieces of Chinese pottery from the Sung and Ming Dynasties.
Four Chinese paintings of the T’ang, Sung and Yuan Dynasties.
Twenty-four pottery figurines from the graves of the Han and Tang Dynasties.
Two glazed wall tablets of the early Ming Dynasty.
One relief of the Han Dynasty and four reliefs of the Ming Dynasty.
One cloisonné vase of the Ming Dynasty.
Two antique embroidered velvet hangings of the Ming Dynasty.
One black-figured Attic vase.
Three red-figured Attic vases.
One Dipylon vase.
One white lekythos.
Various ethnological collections of the North American Indians amounting to about 250 specimens.

The Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., Expedition to Egypt resumed excavations on the 1st of November at Dendereh.

By the will of Mr. Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., late President of the Museum, the sum of $500,000 has been bequeathed to the Museum for the purposes of endowment.

The City Councils have appropriated the sum of $25,000 for one year as a supplementary contribution to the maintenance of the Museum. Never before has the Museum received money from the city. The Councils have been moved to take this step on account of the public service of the Museum and as a supplement to the private contributions upon which the Museum has been built and which continue to enable it to carry on its work.

Mr. C. Emory McMichael has been elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Museum.

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"Notes." The Museum Journal VII, no. 4 (December, 1916): 277-278. Accessed February 06, 2025.

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