
Originally Published in 1920

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Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson and Mr. Edward B. Robinette have been elected to the Board of Managers of the Museum.

Dr. Leon Legrain has been elected Curator of the Babylonian Section. Dr. Legrain is the author of several books and essays on Babylonian subjects and of works published under the auspices of the École des Hautes Études containing results of his studies in this field of research. He was appointed professor in the Catholic University of Paris, and during the war he served with the rank of lieutenant as interpreter for the British Expeditionary Forces in France.

Mrs. M. T. Johnson, four ethnological specimens from the Philippine Islands.
Miss Frances Comly, a palm leaf book from Southern India.
Miss Selina B. McIlhenny, in memory of her brother, Mr. James Mcllhenny, a collection of Indian baskets and pottery.
Mr. Jos. Lapsley Wilson, a group of five Polynesian clubs. Mr. Charles Grafly, a suit of Japanese armour.
Mrs. Franklin Adams, an antique gold ornament from Colombia.
Mrs. A. B. Weimer, a North American ethnological collection.
Dr. John Marshall, Indian bow and arrows.
Mrs. Fannie Caywood, in memory of her son, Mr. Ellery S. Caywood, an ethnological collection from Africa.
Mr. A. J. County, six American bank notes of 1827, 1856, 1859, 1862, 1863 and 1864.
Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson, a XIII Century Koran.
Dr. M. B. Kirkpatrick, a collection of costumes from Northern Burma.

An antique gold collection from South America acquired in Paris during the summer of 1919.
Another collection of South American Indian gold recently excavated in a mound in Central Colombia.
An American Indian wampum treaty belt.
A Bali Island sword.
Three Persian tile wall panels.
An Arabic mosaic pavement with fountain.
An Arabic carved and inlaid portal with marble wall border.
An Arabic Koran.

On Sunday afternoons during March illustrated lectures were provided in the Museum Auditorium. These lectures were intended to be a further development of the educational work of the Museum. They were designed to keep the public in touch with what the Museum is doing in various fields of exploration and to show the relationship between the activities of the Museum and the broadest interpretations of history, of art and of science. The first of these Sunday afternoon lectures was given on March 7th by the Director who spoke on Egypt in ancient and modern times.

The lectures for the school children of the City were resumed on March 17th and were continued until May 21st.

A new exhibition has been installed in the southeast room which has been assigned to the Section of Ethnology. In this room Mr. Hall has arranged selected groups of objects from the collections of Equatorial Africa, and from the collections of Polynesia and Melanesia. The particular purpose of this exhibition is to show the arts of the primitive peoples occupying these several regions, especially in the arts of sculpture, weaving, wood carving and metalwork.

On Monday afternoon, the 26th of April, the President and Board of Managers received a number of invited guests at a Private View of the recently acquired South American Gold Treasure. On the following day the collection was opened to the public.

Mr. Clarence S. Fisher, Curator of the Egyptian Section and Leader of the Eckley B. Coxe, Jr. Expedition to Egypt, returned to the Museum early in June by way of Trieste and London. Mr. Ashton Sanborn, Assistant Curator of the Egyptian Section, also returned from Egypt early in June on a steamer direct from Alexandria to Boston, bringing with him a part of the objects excavated at Dendereh and Memphis.

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"Notes." The Museum Journal XI, no. 3 (September, 1920): 157-159. Accessed February 13, 2025.

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