
Originally Published in 1921

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The following gifts have been received.
Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson, two Chinese sculptured horses of the Emperor Tang Tai Tsung, 7th Century A. D.
Mrs. George S. Robbins and Miss M. R. Coles in the name of Miss Mary Coles, a miscellaneous collection of ancient coins, Egyptian amulets and ethnological specimens.
Mr. John Cadwalader, a Cypriote head of the 6th Century B. C.
Mr. C. T. Loo, Lai Yuan & Co., two Chinese stone statuettes, 7th Century A. D.; one Chinese rug of the Ming Dynasty.
Mr. J. N. Pew, Jr., and Dr. Ward Brinton, a group of antiquities from Merida, Venezuela.
Mrs. Hampton L. Carson, a Northwest Coast carved chief’s staff.
Mr. Alfred C. Beals, two Apache baskets.
Dr. Charles D. Hart, a Guanaco robe from the Tehuelche Indians of Patagonia.

Thirteen pieces African wood carvings, Central Congo Region.
One Inca gold mask.
Three Central American painted vases.
One Mexican painted vase.
One painted buffalo robe of the Ojibway Indians.

At the January meeting of the Board of Managers, Mr. Eldridge R. Johnson was elected a Vice President.
At the February meeting, Mr. William M. Elkins was elected a member of the Board of Managers.

On the afternoon of January 15th there were opened three new exhibits arranged in the east wing of the first floor. The first room contains an exhibition of Arabic Art; the second, an exhibition of Primitive Art of Africa and the South Seas; and the third room contains an exhibition of American Indian basketry. These three collections will remain on exhibition permanently.

The Museum has received from the new government of Palestine a concession to excavate the ruins of Beisan, the ancient Beth-shan of the Bible. Mr. Clarence S. Fisher, who has conducted the Museum’s work in Egypt will leave for Palestine early in May to proceed to Palestine by way of Egypt.

Arrangements were made between the Museum and Mr. David G. Hogarth, Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, for a series of lectures to be given in America. These lectures were delivered at the University Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chicago University, the National Geographic Society and Princeton University. The subjects of Mr. Hogarth’s lectures were The Hittites in Asia Minor and Syria, The Ionians, The Arabs in the World War. The Museum was enabled to secure Mr. Hogarth for these three lectures through an appropriation from the George Leib Harrison Foundation.
During Mr. Hogarth’s visit to the country several institutions in addition to those mentioned availed themselves of the opportunity and arranged to have the same lectures.

During the first quarter of 1921 the Saturday afternoon lecture
course was continued as follows.
January 8. David M. Robinson, War Memorials Past and Present.
January 15. George Byron Gordon, Baalbek, the Wonderful.
January 22. Clement Heaton, The Origins of Mediaeval Art.
January 29. W. B. Dinsmoor, The Restoration of Greek Buildings.
February 5. Robert Cushman Murphy, The Bird Islands of Peru.
February 12. Hector Mac Quarrie, The Island of Tahiti and its People.
February 19. David George Hogarth, The Hittites in Asia Minor and Syria.
February 29. David George Hogarth, The Ionians.
March 5. David George Hogarth, The Arabs in the World War.
March 12. Fred Payne Clatworthy, Pictures of the West.
March 19. H. U. Hall, The Philippine Islands.
March 26. Charles K. Edmunds, Thirty Thousand Miles in China.

On Sunday afternoons the following lectures were given.
December 19. G. B. Gordon, Jerusalem.
January 9. Win. C. Farabee, The John Wanamaker Expedition to Northern Alaska.
January 16. Joseph M. Rogers, Rome.
January 23. H. U. Hall, The Philippine Islands and their People.
January 30. G. B. Gordon, From Cairo to Damascus.
February 6. Wm. C. Farabee, Our Debt to the American Indian.
February 13. G. B. Gordon, Baalbek, the Wonderful.
February 20. David George Hogarth, The Hittites in Asia Minor and Syria.
March 6. David George Hogarth, The Arabs in the World War.
March 13. H. U. Hall, The Igorot of Luzon.
March 20. Win. C. Farabee, Mexico and the Mexicans.

During the months of October, November and December more than 11,000 children attended the Wednesday afternoon illustrated lectures for schools. The second course of illustrated lectures for schools began on March 16th and will be continued until the end of May. More than 14,000 pupils have already reserved seats for these lectures, all of which have to be repeated on different days of the week to meet the demands on the part of schools.

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"Notes." The Museum Journal XII, no. 1 (March, 1921): 78-80. Accessed February 16, 2025.

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