
Originally Published in 1921

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The following gifts have been received.
A collection of Greek and Etruscan pottery and bronzes from Miss Nina Lea, in memory of her father, Mr. Henry Charles Lea.
A collection of plaster impressions of cameos and intaglios from Mrs. William L. McLean.
An Egyptian scarab from Mr. James B. Bonner.
Two United States coins from Mr. A. J. County.
A Mexican poncho from Mr. C. M. P. Herring.
Ancient Peruvian textiles from Mr. J. Alfonso de Gary.
An Apache basket from Dr. William Pepper.
A collection of Rio Grande pottery from Mr. Otto Mallery.
A birdskin coat from Alaska from Messrs. Van Horn & Co.
A group of North American and South Sea Island baskets from Mrs. James E. Hood.
A Hupa Indian basket from Mrs. Edgar F. Smith.
A suit of Japanese armour from Mr. Lindley Johnson.
A group of Japanese models from Mrs. George N. Macauley.

Section of Oriental Art.
Five Persian manuscript books, 17th century.
A piece of Persian brocade.
A large South Indian stone sculpture representing Brahma, made in the 11th century.
A South Indian stone sculpture representing Vishnu, made in the 11th century.
Section of Primitive Art.
A carved ivory club of the Yakutat Indians.
A collection of North American ethnology.
A collection of bronzes, wood carvings and ivory carvings from Great Benin.
An African carving.
A Bogobo beaded knapsack.
A Hawaiian royal feather robe and cape.
A Maori feather cape.
A collection of tapa cloth from Polynesia, Micronesian mat and belts.

From Prof. Flinders Petrie, on behalf of the British School of Archæology in Egypt, the Museum has obtained a consignment of objects discovered in the recent excavations at Gurob and Lahun.

Miss Helen E. Fernald has been appointed Chief Docent. With her assistants Miss Fernald has organized a series of guide talks in the galleries which will be given at stated hours in the afternoons. The calendar of these talks may be obtained at the Information Desk.

Mr. Clarence S. Fisher conducted excavations at Beisan in Palestine during the summer and autumn from June 20 to October 15. The work began on the Acropolis and reached to a level corresponding to the early Christian period. Among the objects found were mosaic pavements, Arabic inscriptions and an Egyptian historical stela.
In November Mr. Fisher returned to Egypt and began excavations at Thebes where a new concession has been granted by the Egyptian Government to the University Museum on behalf of the Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Egyptian Expedition.
Mr. Ernest Mackay, lately Government Inspector of Antiquities for Palestine, has joined the staff of the Egyptian Expedition.

A new volume of historical documents in the Babylonian Section of the Museum by Dr. Leon Legrain, Curator of the Babylonian Section, is now in press.
A volume by Mr. Clarence S. Fisher on the excavations of the Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition at Gizeh is ready for the press.

The Egyptian Section of the Museum will be closed during the months of January and February for painting and repairs to the gallery and the reinstallation of the collections.

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"Notes." The Museum Journal XII, no. 4 (December, 1921): 293-296. Accessed February 16, 2025.

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