The Honourable John Wanamaker, LL.D.

Originally Published in 1923

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The death of the Honourable John Wanamaker, which occurred on December 12th, just after the last number of the JOURNAL had been printed, is an event of such consequence that a suitable notice of his services to the Museum finds an appropriate place in these pages.

Mr. Wanamaker was a member of the Museum Board since 1897 and a Vice President since 1905. Many objects in the exhibitions were acquired through his generosity. He was always sympathetic with the purposes of the Museum and in spite of the many duties with which he continued to charge himself until the end of his long and distinguished career in business, he often found time to visit the Museum for consultation on occasions when his help and advice were sought.

At a meeting of the Board of Managers held on December 14th a resolution was passed expressing a sense of the loss that was deeply felt by the meeting, recording his services and conveying to the family of Mr. Wanamaker a message of sympathy and an expression of appreciation and esteem.

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"The Honourable John Wanamaker, LL.D.." The Museum Journal XIV, no. 1 (March, 1923): 86-86. Accessed October 22, 2024.

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